Rear View Mirror,
Volume 9, No.2
- Don Capps
- June 30, 2011
- RVM Vol 9, No 2 (PDF format, 1.7MB)

“Pity the poor Historian!” – Denis Jenkinson | Research is endlessly seductive, writing is hard work. – Barbara Tuchman
Case History: Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 1909
When the plans for the new speedway to be built on the outskirts of Indianapolis were released on 19 January 1909, the proposed circuit was to be a two-mile oval track with a three-mile road course located within the infield area; joining the two would create a five-mile (and three feet) combined track-road circuit. The land for the new speedway was about one and a half miles in length and about a half mile wide, covering an area of about 320 acres.
The outside – or oval – track was to be fifty feet wide on the straights and sixty feet wide in the curves, while the inside – or road – track was to be twenty-five feet wide on the straights and thirty-five feet in the turns. The three main grandstands would have a capacity of thirty-five thousand with an additional twenty smaller grandstands, raised ten feet above the track, holding about fifty spectators at various locations along the outer track. The club house of the Indianapolis Motor Car Club would be located on the grounds, along with buildings to house training quarters and storage for racing teams.
Construction was slated to begin on 15 February and be completed by 15 May.
As one can readily see, the photograph of the model of the speedway shown in March differs quite a bit from the design that was released in January. The model – the “track” was concrete, was located near a corner of the plot of land to be used for the speedway, just off the Georgetown Pike near the location of the future second turn. Although not identified in the original caption, the gentleman is Lewis Strang, the winner of the Savannah Cup and the Briarcliff Cup events during the 1908 season.3
As the illustrations from later in 1909 demonstrate, there was still a strong notion that an infield road course would be part of the layout for the speedway. As it would turn out, it would be many years before an infield road course would be built at the speedway, the result of what turned out to be a short-lived revival of the United States Grand Prix.
Case History: A.A.A. Contest Board Official Bulletin
The Contest Board of the American Automobile Association (A.A.A.) began a new series of bulletins for those involved in its racing activities during the 1925 season. They are, of course, the treasure trove of information that one would expect, providing both news and views of the contemporary A.A.A. racing scene. Often written in a breezy, even casual style, the bulletins were the conduit for the Contest Board to disseminate everything from the results of racing events to reports of board meetings to passing along what can only be thought of as “social notes.” The frequency of the bulletins varied with the activity of the Contest Board, occasionally appearing almost weekly while at other times several weeks might pass between bulletins.
Here, selected very much at random, is a not untypical bulletin of the era. It was published early in 1930, the first bulletin since late December of 1929.
AAA Contest Board Official Bulletin, Volume V No. 30 / 14 February 1930
Things have been happening so fast and furiously during the past six weeks, what with Board meetings and Committee meetings, that before we were scarcely aware, January had gone by and today find us editing our first bulletin since the latter part of December. But although there has been little apparent activity evident to the fraternity at large, the office has literally resembled the old-fashioned beehive with 100 percent activity underway. However, the annual spring rush is now pretty well in hand and we are again looking forward year of intense activity.
The meeting of the Contest Board at New York, January 6th, might easily be termed as epochal, if we are to consider it in the light of its effect upon the future growth and development of racing. Scheduled to last but one day, the third day found committees in session late into the afternoon before the many fundamental questions had been definitely answered and the relative policies determined upon. Fifteen of the sixteen Board members were present, the largest attendance in many years, and it was indeed gratifying to note the keen personal interest in evidence, which of course has always been characteristic of those at the helm of our ship.
After considerable and valuable discussion it was decided to retain control of all racing and an extensive program was outlined to cover a period of three years, to take effect immediately and to have the direct supervision of such highly competent men as Chairman Rickenbacker, Ray Sherman, Norman Shidle, Robert B. Gable and F.A. Croselmire. Under the direction of the Executive Committee, we will be able to effect a snappy operating administration – capable of getting together often and without inconvenience. A budget? – well, plenty of it. Let’s talk about this for a minute. The word “budget” takes on a new interpretation: means not only the comparison of “come – in” and “go – out” but places stress on the “why” of each side of the ledger – and in that we hope for a solution of many of the old “warpings” in an otherwise manageable task.
Many rumors have reached us that we were about to throw dirt tracks over board but the Members of the Board felt that the dirt track was fundamental requirement – a proving ground, more or less, for future speedways. The tendency toward better constructed dirt tracks during the last few years was also noted and it was therefore definitely decided to retain administration of the sport throughout. Under this policy it is apparent that no outlaw racing will be permitted and the story that drivers would be allowed to step in and out within certain limitations is contrary to the policy and of course will not be tolerated. Many other minor changes were effected and we will endeavor to touch upon these in future bulletins as we go along.
Believing that many of the difficulties experienced in the past could be eliminated by decentralizing the detail and supervision of the Contest Board work the country has been divided into thirty-one zones, each zone to have a supervisor, who is to appoint proper and capable representatives. The intimate contact possible under this set-up is hoped to go far toward building up the sport and stabilizing the administration.
Many of you were sent a proof copy of the proposed rules during December and your suggestions and criticisms were presented to the Contest Board at its last meeting. There were of course many suggestions and they were all given consideration before the book finally went to press. For the first time in many years we are able to comply with the numerous requests for a “Rule Book”. A great many delays have occurred, some due to technical questions arising at the last minute and some due to the natural limitation of working time. It is now available for distribution at the nominal cost of fifty cents, and it is hoped all those connected with the sport in its various phases will avail themselves of this opportunity to get right with the rules.
At a meeting of the National Technical Committee in Chicago, January 27th, it was decided to make certain changes in the Stock Car Rules as would effect even a more strict control of events of this class than in the past. This might seem difficult to do if you have read over the old rules with any thought in mind of getting around them – but we left it to Harold Blanchard and his worthy committee and the results would baffle a John Marshall. If you have happened to glance over the personnel of Mr. Blanchard’s Committee you of course could expect nothing else but rules that are RULES.
The proposed changes were drafted into proof copy as hurriedly as possible and the corrected edition will be distributed just as soon as received from the printer. A barrage of questions has been pouring in and we have endeavored to answer these as accurately and thoroughly as could be for all concerned.
Many of you have heard of course that Val is now Director of Contests for the city of Daytona Beach in charge of the forthcoming Speed Tournament. Val tendered his resignation to the Board on December 14, 1929, after winding up a most active season. The outstanding results of his connection with the Board in an administrative capacity are numerous and it was with sincere regret that his resignation was accepted by the Board. Val’s health was not the best during the past season and much of his work was done under severe physical handicap and we are extremely glad to convey the news that he is rapidly regaining his health and at the same time actively engaged in directing what will be a colorful tournament. The Haresnapes are at home in a picturesque cottage facing the beach and almost on top of the course set for the speed trials – what with beach, sunshine, balmy climate and jes’ bein’ in Florida, we may be pardoned for our envy.
We are advised by bulletin received here February 6th, from Daytona that Kaye Don with his Sunbeam “Silver Bullet” will sail from England on February 19th. A speed of two hundred and fifty miles an hour is predicted for his car with reaching the maximum point of performance. The record is at present held by Seagrave with the Golden Arrow, which has been placed in an English museum and is definitely removed from competition. There is a possibility of an American challenger for this record according to a letter recently received from a resident of Brooklyn, N.Y., who claims to have designed a car capable of a speed of three hundred miles an hour, although it was not stated whether or not actual construction was under way.
In the stock car class, we are also expecting a number of entries. Hupmobile has been perhaps the most active inquirer up to this time and if negotiations are completed, they may enter a new 132 horsepower model. Tests of this model are being made at present and they may make an additional test at Daytona prior to the tournament. Rumors of other entries are in the air and with Val lending intense energy to the promotion of entries, almost any sort of good news may be expected.
The Contest Board is fortunate in the acceptance by Member George H. Fearons, Jr. of the appointment as Chief Steward of the meet. His intense interest in racing and the fact that he is a member of the Racing Committee of the Automobile Club of America makes his appointment even more desirable. “Pop” Myers will also be on hand a part of the time but the proximity of the “500” makes it impossible to remain throughout the meet and if so he will of course be wearing a badge and lending valuable assistance, as usual. No tournament would be complete without Odie Porter – The “Old Timer” – and rest assured, he’ll be there.
A most pleasant surprise was the announcement by Mr. George H. Fearons, Jr. at the January meeting of the Contest Board that the Automobile Club of America had decided to again place the Grand Prix Gold Cup in competition. This famous old trophy has been on display in the foyer of the ACA headquarters since 1916, when it was last raced for at the Santa Monica Grand Prize Road Race. A new deed of gift has been prepared whereby it will be annually awarded the winner of the Indianapolis “500” and be loaned the winner upon posting satisfactory bond until one month before the next year’s race.
We understand that “Pop” Myers has been deluged with requests for Indianapolis specifications and the prospects are for a most representative field of entries.
Ira Vail asks us to mention that his 183 cu. In. Miller formerly owned by Lockhart is for sale. He states that it has less than 750 miles of racing and can be changed over to meet Indianapolis specification without a great deal of expense. Ira’s address is 5232 Leith Place, Little Neck, N.Y.
Harry Riggins writes in that Ralph Hankinson has secured the Woodbridge plant for the coming season. They expect to hold ten or twelve meets of the sprint variety during the coming season and, of course, if things go well, increase the number and may intersperse these sprint meets with some distance events. It is their intention to surround the track with a “major-league” atmosphere. The announcement of the regular operation of the Woodbridge track and the assed importance of possibly three 100 mile events at Langhorne will certainly serve to boost the activity around New York and Philadelphia.
Word just comes in from B. Ward Beam, the old reliable, that he has again secured the Akron speedway and arouses our curiosity, to say nothing of keen interest, by saying we may expect additional good news within the next ten to twelve days – all pointing toward a season of intense racing activities.
A number of problems arise in the formulation of a championship schedule to govern the coming year. A study of track specifications is being placed before the Executive Committee of the Contest Board, together with recommendations and suggestions from the key men of the racing fraternity. The questions involved assume unusual importance owing to the change in specifications at Indianapolis but it is hoped to evolve a plan that will be satisfactory and acceptable to all concerned, and a definite announcement will be made before the end of the month.
The Simplex Piston Ring Co. Trophy for the Pacific Southwest Championship went to Mel Kenealy, and second place award, the AAA stopwatch, was won by Ernest Triplett. The T.V. Allen Trophy for the best appearing car was won by Jimmy Sharp. The Champion Spark Plug Company presented a beautiful trophy to none other than Eddie Meyer, brother of our National Champions, Louis Meyer, for maintaining the neatest appearing pit crew throughout the season.
Old-timers please note: Frank Verbeck showed his continued and sincere interest in the sport by presenting a trophy for the most sportsmanlike act during the season and the act itself, we believe, deserve to be mentioned: The trophy was awarded to Bill Heisler, who after going into a skid and “kissing: the wall, slid down on the track and was hit by another car. Without thought of himself or the chance to win, he first ran to the assistance of the other car and aided it to again get started and then went up on the track to flag the field on. Such acts are characteristic of the true sportsman.
While speaking about sportsmanship, let us quote from the column of the Los Angeles Times of January 27th:
“King sportsmanship reigned at the American Legion Speedway yesterday afternoon. In three instances, the sportsmanship displayed by the drivers of the castor-oil burners far overshadowed the events themselves.
“Stubbie Stubblefield, who was piloting a Garnant Special in the 100-lap grind, copped all honors for sportsmanship. His feat of hanging unto the brake of his race car after he had crashed into the north fence, and allowing the rest of the cars to play tag with his mount, far overshadowed Shorty Cantlon’s victory of the century dash event”……
Such incidents are the essence of sporting instinct and are typical of a real racing fraternity. Never a meet but this spirit is in evidence and these bulletins are never too crowded to re-tell the stories.
Writing from Des Moines, Iowa, January 20th, “Red” says:
“Building race cars in an igloo is a new thing to me, In the mornings when I go to pick up a wrench it is so cold I have to put it on the stove to thaw it out before I can work.”…..
Fred Wagner recently was compelled to perform “funeral” ceremonies over something very near and dear to him – at least, so we are advised from the coast. Some time back in the days of crinolines, Wag searched the land for the best set of flags available and of course became rather attached to them after such an arduous selection. They served well for years – many years, in fact – but during the past season the boys at the Legion Speedway (Los Angeles) were having a little difficulty in distinguishing colors. At the Christmas race, the drivers got together and presented Wag with a new set of flags – bright and brilliant. Possibly because he misses his old ones, or perhaps it is because of the change in colors: be that as it may, Wag is reported to having considerable difficulty in getting used to his new equipment.
While Art is still confined to the hospital and undergoing careful treatment, all reports seem to indicate that he is gradually on the “improve”. The nature of the injuries necessitated slow and cautious treatment but Art is going through with it all like the game soldier he is. Why not write him a line and him pass some of his hours there at St. Francis.
Another use has been found for this famous mountain course besides racing. This time Nels Kullgren, our Rocky Mountain representative, steps out and conducts a most exhaustive test for the Continental Oil Company on their Germ-Processed Oils, under sanction of the Contest Board. Nels was brought to Chicago upon completion of the test to report his findings to the National Technical Committee, and it is to be complimented upon the precision and thoroughness shown throughout the test. This test is a fore-runner of the certified test work contemplated by the Board during the coming year, negotiations already being underway with a number of other concerns for testing their products.
Art Pillsbury came East for the meeting of the Contest Board and was requested by Chairman Rickenbacker to temporarily assume the duties of Secretary until the rush of revising forms, rules, schedules and what-not was completed. The work is rapidly clearing up and it’s no secret that Art is straining at the leash with his eyes toward good old Los Angeles. By the way, Art signs as Acting Secretary and take my word that there is plenty of action in the word “acting”. He had a brand-new 24-hour stopwatch, presented to him in appreciation of his efforts at the Legion Speedway, and has been running a chronometer test with it, trying to work the clock all the way around – and almost doing it. His untiring efforts and the benefit of his experiences have certainly been welcomed and appreciated by the writer.
Signing off – will be in the mail again March 1st.
Ted Allen, Asst. Secy.
Case History: Racing Champions of 1915
When, as an apparent extracurricular activity, Arthur Means and Val Haresnape of the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association (A.A.A.) created retroactive – perhaps “retrospective” might be another and better way to express what occurred – national champions that extended from the 1909 season, when the Contest Board assumed its then current duties, to 1920, and changing the champion from Gaston Chevrolet to Tom Milton, they created a problem which continues to plague the history of the national championship. Interestingly, while there is still a worksheet used by Means to recalculate the 1920 national championship in favor of Tom Milton, which was accomplished by the simple expedient of using additional non-championship events from that season, otherwise little is known as to exactly how Means determined the championship events for the other retrospective seasons.
However, there is an idea as to what may have been a guide to how these retrospective national championships. The 1915 season was chosen as an example, in large part because of the availability of sources and in part due that it preceded the season when the Contest Board finally did inaugurate a national championship, 1916. If one takes a listing of the events used by Russ Catlin in his series of articles that appeared in Speed Age, “The History of AAA National Championship Racing,”6 for this particular season, 1915, and then compare that listing with similar lists in concurrent seasonal reviews of the 1915 season then it is possible that one may find enough similarities to see where how the retrospective championship may have been determined.
Here are the twenty-five races listed by Catlin as events in the 1915 national championship:7
- 9 January / Point Loma Classic / San Diego, California
- 3 February / Glendale (California) Road Race
- 7 February / Ascot Park / Los Angeles, California
- 27 February / Grand Prize / San Francisco, California
- 6 March / Vanderbilt Cup / San Francisco, California
- 17 March / Venice (California) Road Race
- 20 March / Tucson (Arizona) Road Race
- 29 April / Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) Road Race
- 31 May / International 500 Mile Sweepstakes / Indianapolis Motor Speedway
- 9 June / Galesburg (Illinois) track race
- 26 June / Chicago track race
- 3 July / Sioux City (Iowa) track race
- 4 July / Montamarathon Trophy / Tacoma, Washington
- 5 July / Potlatch Trophy / Tacoma, Washington
- 5 July / Omaha track race
- 9 July / Burlington (Iowa) track race
- 31 July / Des Moines track race
- 31 July Invitational Match Race / Des Moines, Iowa
- 20 August / Chicago Auto Club Trophy / Elgin, Illinois
- 21 August / Elgin National Trophy / Elgin, Illinois
- 28 August / Kalamazoo (Michigan) track race
- 4 September / Minneapolis track race
- 8 September / Narragansett (Rhode Island) track race
- 9 October / Astor Cup / Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York
- 2 November / Invitational Match Race / Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York
- 20 November / Phoenix Road Race
- 25 November / Invitational Match Race / San Francisco, California
Sporting Life magazine published a listing of the winners of the speedway and road races of the 1915 season:
Here is the listing for the events given in the 1915 season review of The Horseless Age:
The Horseless Age listing has twenty-two races that are evenly divided between road races and speedway events. It does not list any events held after the Astor Cup race held at Sheepshead Bay in early October. The article used the “Mason Point System” to determine its standings for the season. The “Mason Point System” awarded points on the following basis:10
First | 10 points |
Second | 6 points |
Third | 4 points |
Fourth | 3 points |
Fifth | 2 points |
Sixth | 1 point |
Seventh | 7/8 point |
Eighth | ¾ point |
Ninth | 5/8 point |
Tenth | ½ point |
The points earned using the “Mason Point System” were first broken out road and speedway events, then combined for an overall score. Here is the scoring for the top eleven drivers as determined by Shaw:
However, when one takes a bit of a closer look at the “Mason Point System” and Shaw’s math, several of the sums do not seem to literally add up.
With two wins and a second earning during the road races, Cooper should have twenty-six points (10 + 10 + 6), not the twenty-four points shown. With a win, two seconds, and two fourth place finishes (10 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 3) that would total twenty-eight points rather than the twenty-seven that are on the chart. Rather than fifty-one points, the total for Cooper should be fifty-four. However, if the times that Cooper was “unplaced” in road races (twice) and on the speedways (once) from the fifty-four points, the result is fifty-one. The article does not address this aspect of the point system that Mason devised.
Note also that Rickenbacher manages to have a negative score for his road racing efforts. His fourth place in the Tucson Road Race in March earned three points, but when the four times Rickenbacher was unplaced are subtracted (3 – 4) the result does equal the minus one shown. This is an oddity of the scoring system that is not explained.
As well as proclaiming the champion driver for the 1915 season, Cooper, Shaw and The Horseless Age also named the champion car for the season, Stutz.
In addition to The Horseless Age, Motor and The Motor Age also had season reviews for 1915.13 The Motor Age divided the speedways into two divisions. The journal’s division for the large speedways was composed of the following: Indianapolis, Chicago, Sheepshead Bay, and Twin Cities. The division for one-mile tracks included: Omaha, Des Moines, Narragansett, and Sioux City. A champion was determined for each division: Gil Anderson for the speedway division and Eddie Rickenbacher for the one-mile tracks. The road race champion for the season was Earl Cooper. Stutz was declared as the champion speedway car for 1915.
C.G. “Chris” Sinsabaugh, having now moved from The Motor Age to Motor, declared the speedway champion of 1915 to be Dario Resta, the runner-up being Eddie Rickenbacher, with the Stutz teammates, Gil Anderson and Earl Cooper following. The Stutz was named as the car champion for the speedway season. When it came to naming the road racing champion, Sinsabaugh named Earl Cooper.14 The Stutz was crowned the champion road racing car for the season as well.
Sinsabaugh was of the opinion that three drivers did “almost equally well” during the 1915 season when it came to the road races: Earl Cooper, Barney Oldfield, and Dario Resta. The nod went to Cooper because he was a “consistent campaigner” in Sinsabaugh’s view. As for the choice of Stutz, the record of four wins and five seconds seemed good enough for Sinsabaugh, which also brought him into agreement with the other motoring journals.
It is, perhaps, noteworthy that both The Horseless Age and Motor had their “season reviews” prior to the season actually ending.
None of this is meant to provide any support to the validity of the retrospective “national championships” that Means and Haresnape created and that Catlin then revived and perpetuated to the dismay of automotive historians; rather, it simply suggests that the whole notion was not entirely pulled out of the air like a rabbit from a magician’s hat, but that some effort was done to base the faux seasons on something concrete. Lacking any documentation from the Means and Haresnape effort, it could be assumed that the events in the Catlin article on the 1915 season duplicate those events they used in formulating their choices.
All-in-all, this is a relatively harmless exercise in examining counter-factual history, but one that, hopefully, provides a bit more insight into the tenor of the times when it came to wrapping up the racing season. There was, as it turns out, quite a bit of opinion as to the “champion” driver for 1915 might be and how to determine that superlative, which seems to get lost in the myopia that the retrospective championships that are the legacy of the Means, Haresnape, Catlin, and Harms quadrumvirate.
Then again, it may not have been entirely coincidental that the Contest Board implemented a national champion during the following, 1916, season. As Sinsabaugh began his review, there was also this hair-splitting and a prod applied to the Contest Board:
With the decision of the contest board of the American Automobile Association that, even if Corona were to be run on October 20, as originally scheduled, it must be classed as a boulevard event and not a road race, the American road racing season of 1915 came to an unexpected end, leaving to the critics the task of reviewing the result of the year’s work on the road and determining which car and which driver made the best showing in these speed battles, the critics’ task because the A.A.A. has made no provision for awarding championship titles.
That Corona would be viewed as something other than a road race may come as a surprise to many, but this hair-splitting is recorded in the booklet that the Contest Board released following the 1916 season,15 recording the Corona event as part of a separate category for “boulevard races,” the event held in San Diego as part of the Panama-California International Exposition being the only other event in this category.
Case History: The Sanction Books of the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association - Part I, 1909 to 1920
The Sanction Books of the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association (A.A.A. or “Three-A”) that begin with the 1909 season are, of course, the second set of Sanction Books kept by the A.A.A., the first set dating from the organization of the Racing Committee – later Racing Board – soon after the association was formed in March 1902. The fate of the original Sanction Books is unknown – at least as far as I am aware, but as can been seen in the few examples that are included from the 1908 season, the information provided differed little, if any, from those that began in 1909.
It is this set of Sanction Books that most automotive historians are most familiar with, the books providing an outline of the many seasons that found within them. What follows is an often pared-down version of what some of the Sanction Books record regarding an event. In most cases, with the sole exception of the sanctioning fee, what is presented is exactly what is found in the Sanction Book for that event. It is hoped that this information will proved helpful to those interested in digging a bit deeper into the past, the history of American automobile racing.
It would be an understatement to point out that the Sanction Books are not to be taken as being a complete chronicle of automotive contests in the United States for the years that are covered. While the Sanction Books do provide a record of the sanctions granted for automotive contests or trials to be held under the auspices of the Contest Board, these events are probably only a fraction of the automotive contests and trials held during these years. This is certainly the case with the formation of the International Motor Contest Association (I.M.C.A.) in 1915, which found a receptive clientele in the promoters of races at the various fair grounds which dotted the central section of the United States for years to come.
It has always been something of a challenge for automotive historians to access information of this sort over the years. This information is taken from the Sanction Books which the Indianapolis Motor Speedway had in file cabinets that were, apparently, stored in the basement of the Speedway’s Hall of Fame Museum building. The microfilm was undertaken by the Atlantic Coast Old Timers Racing Club of Alexandria, Virginia. The historian of the club was Gordon Eliot White, a former newspaper man who served as the auto racing advisor to the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, after his retirement from reporting. The microfilm of the records containing the Sanction Record was done on 15 November 1984.
Sanction Number | Date | Promoter | Type of Event and Notations |
1908 | |||
3 November | Manhattan Borough Auto Club | Hill climb / Fort George Hill / New York City | |
21 November | Automobile Club of Maryland | Hill climb / Belvidere Hill / Baltimore, Maryland | |
12 December | Denver Motor Club | Hill climb / Chimney Gulch / Denver, Colorado / postponed indefinitely | |
12 December | Worcester Auto Club | Endurance & Reliability / Worcester, Massachusetts | |
1909 | |||
1-2 January | Quaker City Motor Club | Two-day endurance / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | |
7 February | Auto Dealers’ Association | Reliability / San Francisco, California | |
11 February | Rochester Auto Club | Reliability / Rochester to Buffalo | |
Sanction No. 1 | 11 March | Mills & Moore | Endurance run / New York to Boston |
Sanction No. 2 | 28-30 April | Pittsburgh Gazette Times | Endurance run / In and out of Pittsburgh |
Sanction No. 3 | 31 May | Wilkes-Barre Automobile Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 4 | 23-26 March | Florida East Coast Automobile Club | Beach races |
Sanction No. 5 | 18-19 May | Norristown Automobile Club | Endurance run / Norristown to Hagerstown and return |
Sanction No. 6 | 31 May | Automobile Club of Bridgeport | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 7 | 15 May | Washington Automobile Club | Reliability / Sealed Bonnet |
Sanction No. 8 | 22 April | Lookout Mountain Automobile Club | Hill climb / Chattanooga, Tennessee |
Sanction No. 9 | 26 March | Elks of Los Angeles | Circular track meet / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 10 | 27 March | Fulton County Automobile Club | Hill climb / Atlanta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 11 | 11-14 May | Detroit Automobile Dealers Association | Endurance run / Detroit, Michigan |
Sanction No. 12 | 14 June | Quaker City Motor Club | Endurance contest / Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and return |
Sanction No. 13 | 25-26 June | Quaker City Motor Club | Track meet |
Sanction No. 14 | 5 June | Albany Automobile Club | Hill climb / Kenwood Hill / originally 22 May / abandoned |
Sanction No.15 | 27 April-4 May | Homer George | Track meet / New Orleans Automobile Club / State Fair Grounds / Montgomery, Alabama |
Sanction No. 16 | 18 June | Chicago Automobile Club | Road race / Crown Point / Lowell, Indiana |
Sanction No. 17 | 26 April | New York Automobile Trade Association | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 18 | 19 June | Chicago Automobile Club | Stock chassis / Crown Point / Lowell, Indiana |
Sanction No. 19 | 11-13 June | Denver Motor Club | Reliability / Denver to Pueblo and return / originally 28-30 May |
Sanction No. 20 | 27 April | New York Carnival Corporation | One and two mile straight-away time trials |
Sanction No. 21 | 30 April | New York Automobile Trade Association | One gallon mileage contest |
Sanction No. 22 | 7 May | Police Relief Association | Track race / Fair Grounds track / Birmingham, Alabama |
Sanction No. 23 | 17 June | Bay State Auto Association | Track race / Boston, Massachusetts |
Sanction No. 24 | 1 May | Lookout Mountain Automobile Club | Track race / Chattanooga, Tennessee / postponed indefinitely |
Sanction No. 25 | 24 April | Quaker City Motor Club | Reliability run / Philadelphia to Atlantic City and return |
Sanction No. 26 | 22 May | Automobile Club of Hartford | Reliability / Hartford, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 27 | 29-30 April-1 May | Heritage Automobile Club | Three day track / Nashville, Tennessee / 30 April not held |
Sanction No. 28 | 3-6 May | Motor Club of Harrisburg | Reliability / Harrisburg to Washington, District of Columbia / Harrisburg to Scranton to Harrisburg |
Sanction No. 29 | 27 May | New Jersey Automobile & Motor Club | Endurance / Newark, New Jersey / originally 22 May |
Sanction No. 30 | 26 May | Yale University Automobile Club | Hill climb / New Haven, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 31 | 12 June | Worcester Automobile Club | Hill climb / Worcester, Massachusetts |
Sanction No. 32 | 15 May | Automobile Club of Maryland | Endurance / Baltimore, Maryland |
Sanction No. 33 | 9 June | Louisville Imperial Council Committee | Track / Louisville, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 34 | 20-21 May | The Star Telegram | Economy endurance / Fort Worth, Texas |
Sanction No. 35 | 5 July | Motor Club of Wildwood | Straightaway / Wildwood, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 36 | 9 June | Cleveland Automobile Club | Hill climb / Porter Hill / postponed from 5 June |
Sanction No. 37 | 12-14 June | Manhattan Borough Automobile Club | Tour / Three-day |
Sanction No. 38 | 5 June | Blue Grass Motor Club | Track / Lexington, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 39 | 31 May | Frank H. Fahrmeyer | Track / Decatur, Illinois |
Sanction No. 40 | 26 June | Cincinnati Automobile Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 41 | 5 July | Denver Motor Club | Road race |
Sanction No. 42 | 12 June | Portland Automobile Club | Road contest / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 43 | 5 July | Indian Motorcycle Club | Track race / Birmingham, Alabama |
Sanction No. 44 | 19-21 August | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Track race / Indianapolis, Indiana |
Sanction No. 45 | 2-3 July | Columbus Automobile Club | Track race / Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 46 | 31 July | Casherie De Witt | Hill climb / Richfield Springs, New York |
Sanction No. 47 | 10 July | Automobile Dealers of Southern California | Road race / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 48 | 6 July | Freeholders of Somerset County and Plainfield Automobile Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 49 | 8 July | Taylor Fair Association | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 50 | 5, 8, 10 July | Springfield Automobile Club | Race / Springfield, Illinois |
Sanction No. 51 | 15 October | G.A. Wahlgreen | Reliability / Flag-to-flag / Denver, Colorado |
Sanction No. 52 | 22-29 September | The Frank A. Munsey Company | Reliability / New York City |
Sanction No. 53 | 7 July | Automobile Club of Buffalo | Economy |
Sanction No. 54 | 5 August | Chicago Motor Club | Hill climb / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 55 | 30-31 July | Motor Racing Association | Races / Brighton Beach / New York City |
Sanction No. 56 | 30-31 July | Walter Hempel | Track / Grosse Pointe Track / Detroit, Michigan |
Sanction No. 57 | 30-31 July-1 August | Waco Automobile Club | Three day track / Waco, Texas |
Sanction No. 58 | 5 August | Galveston Automobile Club | Beach races / Texas |
Sanction No. 59 | 28 July | Amarillo Automobile Show Association | Track / Amarillo, Texas |
Sanction No. 60 | 27 July | Lee Beeler | Track / Lima, Colorado |
Sanction No. 61 | 22 July | Grand Rapids Automobile Club | Track / Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Sanction No. 62 | 17 August | Cheyenne Motor Club | Track / Cheyenne, Wyoming |
Sanction No. 63 | 31 July | Kansas City Automobile Club | Track |
Sanction No. 64 | 24 July | Lansing Business Men’s Association | Track / Lansing, Michigan |
Sanction No. 65 | 8-9 September | M. Robert Guggenheim | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 66 | 10 September | M. Robert Guggenheim | Hill climb / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 67 | 14 August | Hugh McAnany | Track / Philadelphia Driving Park / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 68 | 9 August | Blue Grass Fair Association | Track / Lexington, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 69 | 27-28 August | Motor Racing Association | 24 hour races & short races / New York City |
Sanction No. 70 | 15 August | E.R. Maier | Track / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 71 | 8 September | Richmond Automobile Club | Track / Richmond, Virginia |
Sanction No. 72 | 21 August | Monroe R. Rothschild | Speed / Long Beach, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 73 | 23-24 August | Automobile Club of Minneapolis | Endurance & Economy |
Sanction No. 74 | 19 September | F.C. Fenner | Road / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 75 | 27-31 August | Minnesota State Automobile Association | Reliability / St. Paul, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 76 | 11 September | Automobile Club of St. Paul & Automobile Club of Minneapolis | Track |
Sanction No. 77 | 25 August | F.J. Collingwood | Speed / Findley, Ohio |
Sanction No. 78 | 18 or 28 September | Automobile Club of Syracuse | Track |
Sanction No. 79 | 30 August | Walter Hempel | Track / Erie, Pennsylvania / originally 28 August |
Sanction No. 80 | 24-28 September | The Houston Post | Endurance / Houston, Texas |
Sanction No. 81 | 6 September | North Wildwood Automobile Club | One mile straightaway / North Wildwood, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 82 | 2 September | Willard G. Banning | Track / Troy, New York |
Sanction No. 83 | 5 September | California Motor Racing Association | Track / San Francisco, California |
Sanction No. 84 | 15-16 October | Motor Racing Association | 24-hour races / New York City / originally 24-25 September |
Sanction No. 85 | 29 September | Motor Contest Association, Inc. | Road race / New York City / originally 21 September |
Sanction No. 86 | 23 October | Automobile Club of California | Road race / San Francisco |
Sanction No. 87 | 28-30 October | Dallas Automobile Club | Three-day track / Dallas, Texas |
Sanction No. 88 | 9 October | Quaker City Motor Club | 200-mile road / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 89 | 8-9 October | Louisville Automobile Club | Reliability & Economy / Louisville, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 90 | 17 September | Grand Rapids Automobile Club | Track / Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Sanction No. 91 | 9 October | Danbury Agricultural Society | Track / Danbury, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 92 | 9-18 November | Atlanta Automobile Association | Five-day track / Atlanta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 93 | 25 October-3 November | New York Herald – Atlanta Journal Tour Committee | Tour |
Sanction No. 94 | 20-24 September | Kansas City Automobile Club | Tour / Kansas City, Missouri |
Sanction No. 95 | 19 September | Olympic Club | Track / San Francisco, California |
Sanction No. 96 | 29-30 September | Jeanerette Automobile Club | Endurance / Jeanerette, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 97 | 2 October | Orange County Carnival of Products | Track / Santa Anna, California |
Sanction No. 98 | 25-26 September | Santa Rosa Automobile Association | Track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 99 | 30 October | Motor Cups Holding Company | Road / Mineola, Long Island, New York |
Sanction No. 100 | 14-16 October | Manhattan Borough Automobile Club | Tour / New York City / originally 28-30 September / postponed indefinitely |
Sanction No. 101 | 2 October | Milwaukee Automobile Club | Track / Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Sanction No. 102 | 20-21 November | New Orleans Auto Club | Two-day track / New Orleans, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 103 | 16 October | Jack Hiscock | Track / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 104 | 6-8 November | Maricopa Automobile Club | Road / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 105 | 11 November | Maricopa Automobile Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 106 | 14 October | Charlotte Automobile Club | Track / Charlotte, North Carolina |
Sanction No. 107 | 30-31 October | Los Angeles Motor Racing Association | Two-day track / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 108 | 26 October-2 November | San Antonio Light & Gazette | Reliability / San Antonio, Texas / originally 22-28 October |
Sanction No. 109 | 4 November | Tampa Automobile Club | Reliability / Tampa, Florida |
Sanction No. 110 | 23 October | Atlanta Automobile Association | Speed trials / Atlanta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 111 | 25 November | Mile High Hill Climb Association | Hill climb / Redlands, California |
Sanction No. 112 | 14-17 November | San Antonio Automobile Club | Four-day track / San Antonio, Texas |
Sanction No. 113 | 30 October | Montgomery Automobile Association | Track / Montgomery, Alabama |
Sanction No. 114 | 2 November | Birmingham Motor Club | Track / Birmingham, Alabama |
Sanction No. 115 | 5 November | Macon Automobile Club | Track / Macon, Georgia |
Sanction No. 116 | 23-27 November | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | Five-day Endurance / Fort Worth, Texas |
Sanction No. 117 | 20-21 November | Los Angeles Motor Racing Association | Two-day track / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 118 | 14-18 December | Implement Vehicle Journal | Endurance / Dallas, Texas |
Sanction No. 119 | 28 November | San Jose Automobile Club | Track / San Jose, California |
Sanction No. 120 | 14 December | Edgewater Fort Lee Automobile Association | Hill climb / Fort Lee, New York / originally 25 November |
Sanction No. 121 | 12 December | Los Angeles Motor racing Association | Six-hour race / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 122 | 8 December | Dallas Auto Club | Track / Dallas, Texas / originally 4 December / one mile |
Sanction No. 123 | 25-26 December | Los Angeles Motor Racing Association | Race / Los Angeles, California / one mile |
Sanction No. 124 | 17-18 December | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speed / Indianapolis, Indiana / 2 ½ miles |
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Sanction No. 125 | 9 January | Los Angeles Motor Racing Association | Track |
Sanction No. 126 | 5 & 6 February | New Orleans Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 127 | 12 & 13 March | Los Angeles Motor Racing Association | Track / Originally 5 & 6 March |
Sanction No. 128 | 5 March | T.F. Moore | Voting Contest (Proposed) |
Sanction No. 129 | 19 March | Licensed Motor Car Dealers | Hill climb / Altendena (Altadena?) Hill Climb (Abandoned) |
Sanction No. 130 | 29 March | Century Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 131 | 22-24 March | Florida East Coast Auto Association | Beach races |
Sanction No. 132 | 8-10 April | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track |
Sanction No. 133 | 13 April | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track |
Sanction No. 134 | 15-17 April | Los Angeles Motordrome | Tack |
Sanction No. 135 | 12-16 March | Florida East Coast Auto Association | Match race / Speed trials |
Sanction No. 136 | 5-7 May | Atlanta Auto Association | Track |
Sanction No. 137 | 30 March | San Francisco Motor Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 138 | 26 March | Atlanta Journal & Fulton County Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 139 | 30 April, 1-2 May | Quaker City Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 140 | 27-28 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Track |
Sanction No. 141 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Track |
Sanction No. 142 | 19-21 May | Automobile Club of Hartford | Reliability |
Sanction No. 143 | 13-14 May | Motor Racing Association | Brighton Beach / 24 hours |
Sanction No. 144 | 10-11 May | Motor Contest Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 145 | 18-19 May | Norristown Auto Club | Reliability (Abandoned) |
Sanction No. 146 | 28 April | Chicago Motor Club | Economy |
Sanction No. 147 | 27-31 May | The Washington Post | Reliability |
Sanction No. 148 | 6-7 June | Auto Club of Kansas City | Hill climb / originally 30 April |
Sanction No. 149 | 17 June | Homer C. George | Track / Memphis / originally 14 May |
Sanction No. 150 | 5-7 May | Times Despatch of Richmond | Reliability |
Sanction No. 150A | 30 April – 1 May | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track / 24-hour race / postponed 25-26 December / abandoned |
Sanction No. 151 | 6 June | Times Despatch of Richmond | Reliability |
Sanction No. 151A | 23-24 April | Islam Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. | Track / Ingleside / San Francisco |
Sanction No. 152 | 7 June | Yale University Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 153 | 6 – 14 June | New York Herald & Atlanta Journal | Reliability / originally 31 May-7 June |
Sanction No. 154 | 8 May | Utah Jockey Club | Track / Salt Lake City |
Sanction No. 155 | 3-5 August | Galveston Auto Club | Beach races |
Sanction No. 156 | 18-22 July | Wisconsin State Automobile Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 157 | 1 May | Barney Oldfield | Track / Reno, Nevada |
Sanction No. 158 | 11 May | Cheyenne Motor Club | Track / Cheyenne |
Sanction No. 159 | 13-14 May | Denver Press Club | Track |
Sanction No. 160 | 9-11 May | Motor Club of Harrisburg | Reliability |
Sanction No. 161 | 25 June | Auto Club of Port Jefferson | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 162 | 1 October | Motor Cups Holding Company | Vanderbilt Cup |
Sanction No. 163 | 1 May | N.S. Needham | Track / Coalinga, California |
Sanction No. 164 | 9 May | Auto Club of Utah & Utah Auto Dealers Association | Track |
Sanction No. 165 | 18 June | Auto Club of Maryland | Hill climb / Baltimore |
Sanction No. 166 | 30 May | Oklahoma State Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 167 | 13-15 May | Santa Clara County Rose Carnival | Track |
Sanction No. 168 | 30 May | Bridgeport Auto Dealers Association | Hill climb / Fairfield, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 169 | 28 May | Amateur Auto Contest Association | Hill climb / White Plains, New York |
Sanction No. 170 | 17 September | Auto Club of Syracuse & Syracuse Auto Dealers & New York State Fair Association | Track |
Sanction No. 171 | 14 June | Wilkes-Barre Auto Club | Hill climb / originally 11 June |
Sanction No. 172 | 14-15 June | Motor Contest Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 173 | 4 June | Worcester Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 174 | 18 June | Quaker City Motor Club | Track / Point Breeze / one mile / originally 4 June |
Sanction No. 175 | 11 June | New Jersey Auto & Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 176 | 21-22 June | Long Island Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 177 | 4 June | Auto Club of St. Louis | Reliability |
Sanction No. 178 | 26 May | San Marcos Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 179 | 39-30 May | San Francisco Motor Club | Track / Tanforan / San Mateo County |
Sanction No. 180 | 1-2 & 4 July | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Track |
Sanction No. 181 | 2-3 & 5 September | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Track |
Sanction No. 182 | 18 June | Upper Westchester Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 183 | 28-30 June | St. Louis Auto Manufacturers | Reliability |
Sanction No. 184 | 10-11 June | Auto Club of Kansas City | Track / originally 3-4 June then 6-7 June |
Sanction No. 185 | 5 June | Barney Oldfield | Track / St. Joseph, Missouri / originally 3-5 June |
Sanction No. 186 | 2 July | North Wildwood Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 187 | 4 July | North Wildwood Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 188 | 19 June | Barney Oldfield | Track / Dubuque, Iowa |
Sanction No. 189 | 22-25 June | Twin City Aviation & Exhibition Company | Track / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 190 | 28 June | Denver Post | Reliability |
Sanction No. 191 | 9 July | Plainfield Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 192 | 9 July | Town of Morrison (Colorado) | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 193 | 15 June | Motor Racing Association | Paper chase / postponed indefinitely |
Sanction No. 194 | 15-27 August | Frank A. Munsey Company | Reliability |
Sanction No. 195 | 8 October | Quaker City Motor Club | Road race / Fairmount Park |
Sanction No. 196 | 22-26 July | Minnesota State Auto Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 197 | 12-13 August | North American | Motor Vehicle Reliability |
Sanction No. 198 | 11-12 August | Motor Racing Association | Track / 24-hours / originally 15-16 July |
Sanction No. 199 | 8-9 July | Homer C. George | Track / Louisville |
Sanction No. 200 | 25 June | Mount Vernon Auto Club | Track / Empire City |
Sanction No. 201 | 19-20 August | Brooklyn Motor Vehicle Association | Reliability / originally 19-20 July |
Sanction No. 202 | 4 July | Dallas Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 203 | 10 July | Motor Contest Association | Reliability / not held |
Sanction No. 204 | 24 July | San Antonio Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 205 | 8 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 206 | 2-4 July | Barney Oldfield | Track / Chicago / Hawthorn |
Sanction No. 207 | 18 July | Motor Contest Association | Hill climb / not held |
Sanction No. 208 | 10 July | Homer C. George | Track / Latonia, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 209 | 30 July | Long Island Parkway | Postponed to November |
Sanction No. 210 | 24 September | Licensed Dealers of Los Angeles | Road race / Santa Monica |
Sanction No. 211 | 23 July | Atlanta Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 212 | 23 July | Motor Racing Association | Track |
Sanction No. 213 | 25-27 July | Cleveland News | Reliability |
Sanction No. 214 | 16 July | Ohio Valley Auto Club | Track / Wheeling, West Virginia / half mile |
Sanction No. 215 | 31 August- 8 September | Auto Club of Kansas City | Reliability |
Sanction No. 216 | 25 July | Chillicothe Order of Owls | Track / Chillicothe, Ohio / one mile |
Sanction No. 217 | 15 July | Rockdale Auto Club | Track / Rockdale, Texas / half mile |
Sanction No. 218 | 15-16 July | Auto Club of Dayton | Track / Dayton, Ohio / half mile |
Sanction No. 219 | 6 August | Quaker City Motor Club | Track / Point Breeze |
Sanction No. 220 | 28-29 July | Chicago Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 221 | 7-10 September | Auto Club of Buffalo | Reliability |
Sanction No. 222 | 21 July | Parkersburg Auto Club | Track / Chattauck Park / half mile |
Sanction No. 223 | 23 August | Cheyenne Motor Club | Track / four miles (?) |
Sanction No. 224 | 22-23 July | Buffalo Auto Dealers Association | Track / Fort Erie, Canada / one mile |
Sanction No. 225 | 26-27 August | Chicago Motor Club | Elgin Road Races |
Sanction No. 226 | 16 September | Chicago Motor Club | Hill climb / Algonquin / originally 11 August |
Sanction No. 227 | 28 July | Jacksonville Auto Club | Beach race |
Sanction No. 228 | 13 August | Motor Racing Association | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No. 229 | 29-20 July | Columbus Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 230 | 30 July | Salt Lake Telegram | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 231 | 2 August | Barney Oldfield | Track / Allentown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 232 | 9 August | Walter Hempel | Track / Hartford, Connecticut / one mile |
Sanction No. 233 | 30 August | Auto Club of Washington | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 234 | 5-6 August | J.R. Beymer | Track / Rochester, New York / one mile |
Sanction No. 235 | 11 August | Worchester Auto Club | Track / half mile |
Sanction No. 236 | 10 September | Auto Club of St. Paul | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 237 | 24 September | Norristown Auto Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 238 | 3 September | Denver Motor Club | Track / three 1/3 miles |
Sanction No. 239 | 5 September | Denver Motor Club | Track / three 1/3 miles |
Sanction No.240 | 3-5 September | Dan Smith | Track |
Sanction No. 241 | 20-22 September | Louisville Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 242 | 29-30 September | Waco Auto Club | Track / ¾ mile |
Sanction No. 243 | 29 August | Walter Hempel | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 244 | 3 September | Ocean City Beach Association | Reliability / postponed indefinitely / abandoned |
Sanction No. 245 | 1 October | Illinois State Fair Board | Track |
Sanction No. 246 | 10-12 November | San Antonio Auto Club | Track / ¾ mile |
Sanction No. 247 | 21-25 October | Washington Post | Reliability / originally 14-18 October |
Sanction No. 248 | 2-5 November | Atlanta | Track |
Sanction No. 249 | 5-7 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Road race |
Sanction No. 250 | 10 September | Harry Levy | Hill climb and straight-way / Highlands / not paid |
Sanction No. 251 | Dutchess County Fair | Exhibition Auto versus Aeroplane | |
Sanction No. 252 | 27-29 October | Dallas | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 253 | 14 September | Walter Hempel | Track / Kalamazoo, Michigan / one mile |
Sanction No. 254 | 17 September | Toledo Fair Association | Track |
Sanction No. 255 | 16 September | Grand Rapids Auto Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 256 | 24 September | Michigan State Agricultural Society | Track / postponed |
Sanction No. 257 | 10-11 October | Panhandle Automobile Fair Association | Track / Amarillo, Texas / two ½ miles |
Sanction No. 258 | 17 September | Westchester County Fair Association | Track / While Plains, New York / half mile |
Sanction No. 259 | 27 September | Milwaukee Auto Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 260 | 7-8 October | Orange County Carnival of Products | Track / Santa Anna, California / one mile |
Sanction No. 261 | 30 September-4 October | Minneapolis Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 262 | 24-26 October | Omaha Motor Club | Reliability / may have been 24-26 September (?) |
Sanction No. 263 | 18 October | Sioux City Inter-State Fair | Track / originally 24 September / one mile |
Sanction No. 264 | 28-29 October | Chicago American | Commercial Vehicle Run |
Sanction No. 265 | 17 October | Atlanta Constitution | Reliability |
Sanction No. 266 | 28-29 October | New York American | Commercial Vehicle Run |
Sanction No. 267 | 4-6 October | Auto Club of Kansas City | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 268 | 26 September & 3-4 October | United States Motor Company | Economy |
Sanction No. 269 | 29-30 October | Auto Club of Hudson County | Secret Time |
Sanction No. 270 | 8 October | Virginia State Fair Association | Auto and Aero Exhibition |
Sanction No. 271 | 15-16 October | Auto Club of Philadelphia | Sociability Run |
Sanction No. 272 | 6-7 October | Chicago Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 273 | 7-11 November | Chicago Auto Club | 1,000 Mile Reliability |
Sanction No. 274 | 1-2 October | Omaha Motor Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 275 | 10-14 October | Kansas Magazine | Reliability |
Sanction No. 276 | 21-22 October | Boston American | Commercial Vehicle Run |
Sanction No. 277 | 8 October | Danbury Agricultural Society | Track / half mile |
Sanction No. 278 | 11 November | North American | Roadability |
Sanction No. 279 | 29 October | Edson Carel, Junior | Track / White Plains, New York / half mile |
Sanction No. 280 | 26-27 November | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 281 | 14 October | Bay State Auto Association | Track / cancelled |
Sanction No. 282 | 10 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 283 | 14 October | W.H. Wellman | Track / Readville / one mile |
Sanction No. 284 | 22 October & 12 November | Mount Vernon Auto Club | Track / Empire City / one mile / originally 8 November |
Sanction No. 285 | 21-22 November | Motor Club of Harrisburg | Reliability |
Sanction No. 286 | 29 October | Camden Motor Club | Track / Pittman, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 287 | Omaha Speedway Company | Track / Omaha Speedway / one mile | |
Sanction No. 288 | 24 November | O.D. Corbett | Track / Guttenburg |
Sanction No. 289 | 29-30 November | New York Auto Trade Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 290 | 19-21 November | Oakland Auto Dealers | Reliability |
Sanction No. 291 | 27 November | New Orleans Auto Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 292 | 24 November | Columbia Auto Club | Track / Columbia, South Carolina / one mile |
Sanction No. 293 | 24 November | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Bridgeton, New Jersey / half mile |
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Sanction No. 294 | 25-27 February | New Orleans Auto Club | Track |
Sanction No. 295 | 22 February | Portola Racing Association | Road race |
Sanction No. 296 | 29 April | O.D. Corbett | Track / Guttenberg / originally 2 January, 9 January / See Sanction No. 320 |
Sanction No. 297 | 2 January | Tucson Auto Club | Road / (cancelled ?) |
Sanction No. 298 | 17-18 January | Quaker City Motor Club | Roadability / abandoned |
Sanction No. 299 | 14-22 January | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track |
Sanction No. 300 | 16 January | American Locomotive Company | Non-stop test |
Sanction No. 301 | 27-30 March | Jacksonville Motor Club | Beach race |
Sanction No. 302 | 13-14 May | Oakland Motordrome | 24-hour / originally 28-29 January, April ?-? |
Sanction No. 303 | 22 January | American Locomotive Company | Non-stop test |
Sanction No. 304 | 2-4 March | Houston Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 305 | 8-9 April | Los Angeles Motordrome | 24-hour race |
Sanction No. 306 | 2-4 April | San Antonio Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 307 | Homer C. George | Track / Shreveport / abandoned / see Sanction No. 324 | |
Sanction No. 308 | 29 April | Quaker City Motor Club | Reliability / Philadelphia – Atlantic City |
Sanction No. 309 | 19 March | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track / Match race |
Sanction No. 310 | 21 April | Mile High Hill Climb Association | Mile High Hill Climb |
Sanction No. 311 | 25 May | Chicago Motor Club | Economy |
Sanction No. 312 | 22 March | E.A. Moross | Novelty races |
Sanction No. 313 | 5-8 May | Los Angeles Times | Reliability |
Sanction No. 314 | 15-18 May | Auto Club of Washington | Reliability |
Sanction No. 315 | 25 June | O.D. Corbett | Track / Fall River / half mile |
Sanction No. 316 | 13-14 May | Cincinnati Auto Dealers Association | Track / Latonia, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 317 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500-mile race |
Sanction No. 318 | 23 April | Florida East Coast Automobile Association | Beach time trials |
Sanction No. 319 | 1 May | Fresno Dealers’ Association | Hill climb / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 320 | 29 April | O.D. Corbett | Track / Guttenberg, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 321 | 22-24 May | Los Angeles Examiner | Commercial Vehicle Reliability |
Sanction No. 322 | 6 May | Santa Rosa Automobile Association | Track / Santa Rosa |
Sanction No. 323 | 30 May | Denver Motor Club | 200-mile race / originally 300-mile race |
Sanction No. 324 | 10-11 June | Homer C. George | Hawthorn track / Chicago |
Sanction No. 325 | 8 June | Chicago Motor Club | Algonquin Hill Climb |
Sanction No. 326 | 14 May | E.A.Moross | Track Moncrief/ Jacksonville / one mile |
Sanction No. 327 | 13 May | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Nazareth, Pennsylvania / half mile |
Sanction No. 328 | 17 June | Maine Automobile Association | Hill climb / Portland, Maine |
Sanction No. 329 | 13 May | Macon Automobile Club | Track / Macon, Georgia / one mile |
Sanction No. 330 | 17 May | Hugh McAnany | Track / Point Breeze / originally 17-20 May (?) |
Sanction No. 331 | 10 June | Automobile Club of New Haven | Hill climb / Shingle Hill |
Sanction No. 332 | 10 June | Quaker City Motor Club | Electric Reliability / postponed indefinitely |
Sanction No. 333 | 20-21 May | Long Island Automobile Club | Interclub Run |
Sanction No. 334 | 24 May | Birmingham Motor Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 335 | 4 July | Kern County Merchants Association | Road races / Kern County, California / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 336 | 30 May | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Pitman, New Jersey / half mile |
Sanction No. 337 | 16-17 June | Milwaukee Automobile Dealers Association | Track / State Fair Ground / one mile |
Sanction No. 338 | 3-5 August | Galveston Automobile Club | Beach |
Sanction No. 339 | 19 June | Hyperion Field & Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 340 | 17 June | Harry Shaffer | Track / Guttenberg, New Jersey / one mile |
Sanction No. 341 | 20 July | Minnesota State Automobile Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 342 | 1 July | Upper Westchester Automobile Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 343 | 18 June | M.A. Kent | Track / Kenosha / one mile |
Sanction No. 344 | 24 June | Automobile Club of St. Louis | Reliability |
Sanction No. 345 | 4 July | Tri-City Speedway | Track / Davenport, Iowa / one mile |
Sanction No. 346 | 31 July | E.A. Moross | Track / Brighton Beach / one mile |
Sanction No. 347 | 9-11 June | Omaha Motor Club | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 348 | 1 July | Auto Club of Maryland | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 349 | 17-22 July | Wisconsin State Automobile Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 350 | 4 July | Missouri Auto Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 351 | 15 June | Chicago Auto Club | Inter-club Reliability |
Sanction No. 352 | 4 July | Auto Club of Kansas City | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 353 | 24 June | E.A. Moross | Track / Grand Rapids / one mile |
Sanction No. 354 | 17-19 July | The Cleveland News | Reliability |
Sanction No. 355 | 22 July | Harry Shaffer | Track / Guttenberg / originally 15 July |
Sanction No. 356 | 4 July | Automobile Club of Columbia | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 357 | 4 July | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Mount Holly, New Jersey / half mile |
Sanction No. 358 | 7 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track / Taylor, Texas / half mile |
Sanction No. 359 | 15 July | Missouri Auto Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 360 | 27 November | Savannah Automobile Club | Vanderbilt Cup road race |
Sanction No. 361 | 7 August | Chicago Evening American | Commercial vehicle Reliability |
Sanction No. 362 | 4-6 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Road race / Los Angeles to Phoenix |
Sanction No. 363 | 9 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona / one mile |
Sanction No. 364 | 4-5 August | E.A. Moross | 24-hour / Brighton Beach / abandoned |
Sanction No. 365 | 25-26 August | Chicago Motor Club | Elgin Road Race / stock chassis |
Sanction No. 366 | 7 October | Quaker City Motor Club | Road race / Fairmount Park |
Sanction No. 367 | 2,4 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Brighton Beach / one mile |
Sanction No. 368 | 29 July | Quaker City Motor Club | Track / Point Breeze / one mile |
Sanction No. 369 | 12 August | Worchester Auto Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 370 | 16 September | Syracuse | Track / one mile |
Sanction No. 371 | 29 July | CincinnatiAutomobile Dealers Association | Hill climb / Stanley Avenue |
Sanction No. 372 | 14-20 August | St. Louis Automobile Manufacturers & Dealers Association | Reliability / St. Louis to Kansas City and return |
Sanction No. 373 | 9 August | Augusta Automobile Club | Hill climb / Augusta, Maine |
Sanction No. 374 | 5 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Scranton, Pennsylvania / half mile |
Sanction No. 375 | 12 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Baltimore, Maryland / half mile |
Sanction No. 376 | 9 September | Automobile Club of Port Jefferson | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 377 | 3 September | Columbia Automobile Club | Track / 200 miles / one mile |
Sanction No. 378 | 9 September | Connecticut Fair Association | Track / Hartford, Connecticut / one mile |
Sanction No. 379 | 6-9 September | Automobile Club of Buffalo | Reliability / 800 miles / Grade 1 |
Sanction No. 380 | 2 September | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Pottstown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 381 | 8-9 September | Minnesota State Automobile Association | Track / Hamline |
Sanction No. 382 | 4-6 September | W.T. Kincaid | Old Orchard Beach |
Sanction No. 383 | 9 September | Fern Bank Dam Association | Road race |
Sanction No. 384 | 4 September | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Salem, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 385 | 2-4 September | Panhandle Auto Fair Association | Track / Amarillo, Texas |
Sanction No. 386 | 13 September | Michigan State Automobile Association | Track / Grand Rapids |
Sanction No. 387 | 6 September | R.A. Amannan | Track / Scranton, Pennsylvania / half mile |
Sanction No. 388 | 16-17 September | Automobile Club of Kansas City | Track / Elm Ridge |
Sanction No. 389 | 23-25 September | Michigan State Automobile Association | Track / Detroit |
Sanction No. 390 | 14 October | Motor Car Dealers | Santa Monica |
Sanction No. 391 | 30 September | Harry Shaffer | Guttenberg |
Sanction No. 392 | 3 September | Emile Agraz & B.D. Anderson | Track / San Jose |
Sanction No. 393 | 23 September | Philadelphia Automobile Trade Association | Track / Point Breeze |
Sanction No. 394 | 21-22 September | San Francisco Examiner | Trucks |
Sanction No. 395 | 7 October | Springfield Automobile Club | Track / Springfield, Illinois |
Sanction No. 396 | 30 September | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / Bridgeton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 397 | 7 October | Danbury Agricultural Society | Track / Danbury |
Sanction No. 398 | 3 October | E.A. Moross | Track / Flint, Michigan |
Sanction No. 399 | 9-13 October | Denver Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 400 | 27 October | Chicago Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 401 | 17-19 September | Chicago Motor Club | Truck |
Sanction No. 402 | 3 November | Automobile Club of Columbia | Track |
Sanction No. 403 | 21 October | Sioux City | Track |
Sanction No. 404 | 9, 11-12 November | San Antonio Automobile Club | Track |
Sanction No. 405 | 12 October | Oklahoma Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 406 | 11-18 October | Good Roads of Northern California | Reliability / San Francisco to Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 407 | 13-14 October | National Implement & Vehicle Show | Track / Peoria, Illinois |
Sanction No. 408 | 21-22 October | Motor Car Dealers’ Association | Los Angeles Motordrome |
Sanction No. 409 | 3 November | Newark Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 410 | 3 November | Minneapolis Motor Club | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 411 | 13 November | Studebaker Corporation | Record trials / Indianapolis |
Sanction No. 412 | 19 November | Oakland Motordrome | Track |
Sanction No. 413 | 30 November | South Jersey Motor Club | Track / York, Pennsylvania |
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Sanction No. 414 | 23-24 August | Chicago Motor Club | Elgin Road Race / not held |
Sanction No. 415 | 14 January | Benefit meet | Ascot Park Track |
Sanction No. 416 | 7 January | Walter Hempel | Track / Lakeside, California |
Sanction No. 417 | 10 January | Decatur Motor Car Company | Non-stop motor test 1 ½ ton truck |
Sanction No. 418 | Matheson Sales Company | Non-stop motor test | |
Sanction No. 419 | 17-18 February | E.A. Moross | Track / New Orleans, Louisiana / not held |
Sanction No. 420 | 22 February | Kern County Auto Racing Association | Road race / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 421 | 8-10 August | Galveston Auto Club | Beach races |
Sanction No. 422 | 4 May | A.M. Young | Santa Monica road races |
Sanction No. 423 | 4-9 March | Alabama Auto Association | Track / Montgomery |
Sanction No. 424 | 17 March | Emile Agraz & A.W.T. Buehren | Track / San Jose, California |
Sanction No. 425 | 31 March | J. Alexander Sloan | Track / Lakeside |
Sanction No. 426 | 6-8 April | San Antonio Automobile Club | Reliability / Grade III |
Sanction No. 427 | 30 May | Rockingham Park | Track / Salem, New Hampshire |
Sanction No. 428 | 27 April | Quaker City Motor Club | Roadability |
Sanction No. 429 | 14 April | J. Alexander Sloan | Track / San Jose |
Sanction No. 430 | Chicago Motor Club | Commercial Vehicle Demonstration / not held | |
Sanction No. 431 | 15-20 April | Birmingham Auto Dealers | Track |
Sanction No. 432 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500 mile |
Sanction No. 433 | 20-22 June | Pine Tree Motor Contest Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 434 | 21 April | J.A. Sloan – Mystic Shriners | Oakland, California |
Sanction No. 435 | 8 June | Quaker City Motor Club | Track / Belmont, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 436 | 5 May | Los Angeles Motordrome | Track |
Sanction No. 437 | 28 April | J. Alex Sloan | Track / San Bernardino, California |
Sanction No. 438 | 31 August-2 September | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speedway |
Sanction No. 439 | 11 May | Atlanta Auto & Accessories | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 440 | 4 May | Birmingham Auto Dealers | Track |
Sanction No. 441 | 5-6 July | Tacoma Auto Club | Road race / Montamara Festival |
Sanction No. 442 | 30 May | National Capital Motorcycle Club | Track / Bennings / District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 443 | 8-9 June | H.C. George | Track / Chicago / not held |
Sanction No. 444 | 15 June | Cincinnati Auto Dealers Association | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 445 | 18-19 May | Colorado State Association | Track / Denver |
Sanction No. 446 | 20 June | Chicago Motor Club | Algonquin Hill Climb |
Sanction No. 447 | 30 May | Hugh B. Andrews | Track / Scranton, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 448 | 29 June | Belmont Motor Club | Narbeth, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 449 | 15-18 July | Cleveland News | Reliability Run |
Sanction No. 450 | 11-13 June | Automobile Club of Washington | Reliability Run / not held |
Sanction No. 451 | Sacramento, California | ||
Sanction No. 452 | 13 June | Auto Club of Maryland | Secret Time Reliability |
Sanction No. 453 | 4-6 July | Old Orchard Auto Association | Beach races |
Sanction No. 454 | 6-7 June | Chicago Motor Club versus Illinois Athletic Association | Inter-Club Run |
Sanction No. 455 | 15 June | Auto Club of Kansas City and J.A. Sloan | Track / Elm Ridge |
Sanction No. 456 | 13 July | Forestville Commercial & Implement Association | Hill climb / not held |
Sanction No. 457 | 15 June | E.A. Moross | Track / Toledo |
Sanction No. 458 | 16 June | E.A. Moross | Track / Fort Wayne |
Sanction No. 459 | 22 July | Dallas Auto Club | Reliability Run |
Sanction No. 460 | 28-29 June | R.E. Shadel | Track / Laurel, Maryland |
Sanction No. 461 | 23 June | Seidner & Moross | Track / Youngstown |
Sanction No. 462 | 22 June | E.A. Moross | Track / Akron |
Sanction No. 463 | 4 July | North Wildwood Auto Club | Straightaways |
Sanction No. 464 | 21 September | Milwaukee Automobile Dealers | Vanderbilt Cup |
Sanction No. 465 | 15-18 July | Wisconsin State Automobile Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 466 | 6-7 June | Chicago Auto Club | Interclub run |
Sanction No. 467 | 4-5 July | Butte Auto Club | Track / Butte |
Sanction No. 468 | 4 July | Imperial Valley Road Race Association | Road race / California |
Sanction No. 469 | 4 July | Hall County Motor Club | Track / Grand Island, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 470 | 4 July | E.A. Moross | Track / Davenport |
Sanction No. 471 | 9-10 July | Portland Auto Club | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 472 | 20 July | Andrews & Moross | Track / Wilkes-Barre |
Sanction No. 473 | 24 July | E.A. Cusick | Track / Scranton |
Sanction No. 474 | 27 July | E.A. Cusick | Track / Wilkes-Barre |
Sanction No. 475 | 14 July | Cool & Moross | Track / Canton, Ohio |
Sanction No. 476 | 30-31 August | Chicago Auto Club | Elgin Road Races |
Sanction No. 477 | 8 August | Minnesota State Automobile Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 478 | 27 July | E.A. Moross | Track / Rochester, New York |
Sanction No. 479 | 27 July | Grand Rapids Auto Club | Track/ Grand Rapids |
Sanction No. 480 | 31 July | J.A. Sloan | Track / Kalamazoo |
Sanction No. 481 | 31 July | E.A. Moross | Track / Wheeling, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 482 | 3 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Altoona, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 483 | 11-14 September | Auto Club of Buffalo | Grade III Reliability |
Sanction No. 484 | 7 August | Moross & Eagles Convention | Track / Cleveland |
Sanction No. 485 | 29 September | Universal Exposition | Track / St. Louis |
Sanction No. 486 | 25 August | Columbus Auto Club | Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 487 | 18 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Sanction No. 488 | 2, 7 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No. 489 | 7 September | Minnesota State Automobile Association | Track / Hamline |
Sanction No. 490 | 9-11 September | Chicago Motor Club | Commercial Vehicle Reliability / postponed October / not held |
Sanction No. 491 | 24 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Muskogee, Oklahoma |
Sanction No. 492 | 24 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Bay City, Michigan |
Sanction No. 493 | 25 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Lansing, Michigan |
Sanction No. 494 | 26 August | Genesee County Agricultural Society & E.A. Moross | Track / Flint, Michigan |
Sanction No. 495 | 21 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Binghamton, New York |
Sanction No. 496 | 18 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Albany, New York |
Sanction No. 497 | 4-5 October | Sioux City Auto Club & Speedway Association | Sioux City, Iowa |
Sanction No. 498 | 7 September | J.A. Sloan | Track / Fon du Lac, Wisconsin |
Sanction No. 499 | 10 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Allentown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 500 | 26 October | Maricopa Auto Club | Los Angeles to Phoenix Road Race |
Sanction No. 501 | 31 October | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 502 | 11 September | Grand Rapids Auto Club | Track / Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Sanction No. 503 | 5 October | Auto Club of St. Louis | Grade IV Reliability |
Sanction No. 504 | 29 October | Michigan State Agricultural Society | Track / Detroit |
Sanction No. 505 | 19-26 October | New England Aviation Company | Track / Salem, New Hampshire / originally 12 October |
Sanction No. 506 | 21 October | Chicago Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 507 | 13 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Sandusky, Ohio |
Sanction No. 508 | 14 September | Cleveland Auto Club | Track / Cleveland, Ohio |
Sanction No. 509 | 14 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Fort Wayne, Indiana |
Sanction No. 510 | 21 September | E.W. Powell | Track / Providence, Rhode Island |
Sanction No. 511 | 5 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 512 | 21 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Pittsburg |
Sanction No. 512 ½ | 3 October | Asheville Board of Trade | Hill climb / North Carolina |
Sanction No. 513 | 21 September | Barney Oldfield | Track / Hutchinson, Kansas |
Sanction No. 514 | 28 September | E.W. Powell | Track / Worchester, Massachusetts |
Sanction No. 515 | 4-6 October | National Implement & Vehicle Show | Track / Peoria, Illinois |
Sanction No. 516 | 28 September | J.A. Sloan | Track / Kalamazoo, Michigan |
Sanction No. 517 | 15 October | Iowa State Automobile Association | Tour / originally 7 October / originally 5 October |
Sanction No. 518 | 12 October | Fresno Dealers | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 519 | 19 October | Motor Dealers Exhibition Company | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No. 520 | 5 October | E.W. Powell | Track / Springfield, Massachusetts |
Sanction No. 521 | 24, 26-27 October | San Antonio Auto Club | Track / San Antonio, Texas |
Sanction No. 522 | 26 October | York Motor Club | Track / York, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 523 | 19 October | Frank D. Hall | Track / Narberth, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 524 | 12 October | Illinois State Board of Agriculture | Track / Springfield, Illinois |
Sanction No. 525 | 19 October | Fort Smith – VanBuren Auto Club | Track / Fort Smith, Arkansas |
Sanction No. 526 | 12 October | Chicago Auto Club versus Chicago Athletic Association | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 527 | 26 October | E.W. Powell | Track / Hartford, Connecticut / originally 19 October |
Sanction No. 528 | 26 October | Auto Dealers Association | San Diego – Phoenix Road Race |
Sanction No. 529 | 26 October | White Plains Agricultural & Fair Association | Track / White Plains, New York |
Sanction No. 530 | 16 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Evansville, Indiana |
Sanction No. 531 | 27 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Louisville, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 532 | 21-24 October | Grand Rapids Auto Club | Tour |
Sanction No. 533 | 26 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Nashville, Tennessee |
Sanction No. 534 | 28 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Owensboro, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 535 | 3, 5-6 November | Shreveport Auto Club | Shreveport, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 536 | 5 November | Motor Dealers Exhibition Company | Track / Brighton Beach, New York |
Sanction No. 537 | 9 November | E.W. Powell | Track / Norfolk, Virginia |
Sanction No. 538 | E.A. Moross | Track / Seattle, Washington / not held / see Sanction No. 548 | |
Sanction No. 539 | 15 October | Auto Club of Greenville | Hill climb / South Carolina |
Sanction No. 540 | 16 November | Barney Oldfield | Track / Sacramento, California |
Sanction No. 541 | 12 November | Barney Oldfield | Track / San Jose, California |
Sanction No. 542 | 17 November | Barney Oldfield | Track / San Francisco |
Sanction No. 543 | 13 November | Barney Oldfield | Track / Stockton, California |
Sanction No. 544 | 9 November | J.E. Sheldon | Track / Middletown, New York |
Sanction No. 545 | 29-30 November | Richmond auto Club | Track / Richmond, Virginia |
Sanction No. 546 | 17 November | Arkansas State Fair | Track / Hot Springs |
Sanction No. 547 | 24 November | Barney Oldfield | Track / Fresno |
Sanction No. 548 | 24 November | E.A. Moross | Track / Emeryville / Oakland, California |
Sanction No. 549 | 27-30 November | Fort Worth Fall Fair Association | Track / Fort Worth, Texas |
Sanction No. 550 | 30 November | E.W. Powell | Track / Charlotte, North Carolina |
Sanction No. 551 | 30 November | Colonel F. Wendelschaefer | Track / Providence, Rhode Island |
Sanction No. 552 | 1 December | Barney Oldfield | Track / San Bernardino |
Sanction No. 553 | 7-8 December | E.A. Moross | Track / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 554 | Barney Oldfield | Los Angeles Motordrome / not held | |
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Sanction No. 555 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500 mile race |
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Sanction No. 556 | 22 December | Barney Oldfield | Track / San Diego |
Sanction No. 557 | 25 December | San Diego Auto O Club | Beach / San Diego, California |
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Sanction No. 558 | 1-13 January | San Diego Automobile Owners Club | Road race |
Sanction No. 559 | Chicago Auto Club | Non-stop Reliability Chicago-New York-Chicago / not held | |
Sanction No. 560 | 1 March | San Diego County Automobile Owners Club | Road race / Point Loma |
Sanction No. 561 | 5-8 May | Washington Post | Commercial Vehicle Reliability |
Sanction No. 562 | 15-18 March | San Antonio Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 563 | Chicago Motor Club | Commercial Vehicle Reliability / not held | |
Sanction No. 564 | 7 June | Quaker City Motor Club & Auto Club of Delaware County & Auto Club of Philadelphia & Auto Club of Germantown | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 565 | 19 June | Chicago Motor Club | Algonquin Hill Climb / not held |
Sanction No. 566 | San Antonio Auto Club | Reliability / see Sanction No. 602 | |
Sanction No. 567 | 4-5 July | Sioux City Auto Club & Speedway Association | Track / Sioux City |
Sanction No. 568 | 5-8 July | Tacoma Carnival Association | Road race / Tacoma |
Sanction No. 569 | 14-15 May | Motor Contest Association | Reliability – Hill climb – Fuel economy New York to Catskills |
Sanction No. 570 | 24 May | Atlanta A & A Association | Hill climb / Atlanta |
Sanction No. 571 | 26-27 April | Paul Derkum | Track / Bakersfield |
Sanction No. 572 | Savannah Automobile Club | Vanderbilt Cup / not held | |
Sanction No. 573 | 30 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 574 | 3 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Fort Worth |
Sanction No. 575 | 29-31 May | Chicago Motor Club versus Illinois Auto Club | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 576 | 21 June | Cincinnati Auto Dealers | Hill climb |
Sanction No. 577 | 21-25 July | Grand Rapids Auto Club | Grade III Reliability |
Sanction No. 578 | 8 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Paris, Texas |
Sanction No. 579 | 12 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Fort Smith, Arkansas |
Sanction No. 580 | 30 April | Fresno Auto Dealers Association | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 581 | 17 May | Coalinga Chamber of Commerce | Hill climb / Coalinga |
Sanction No. 582 | 4 July | Columbus auto Club | 200 mile track race |
Sanction No. 583 | 4 July | National Capital Motorcycle Club | Track / Washington, District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 584 | 10 February | Earl Cooper | 200 mile Time Trial |
Sanction No. 585 | 12 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Decatur, Illinois |
Sanction No. 586 | 16 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Galesburg, Illinois |
Sanction No. 587 | 4 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 588 | 12-13 June | Chicago auto Club | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 589 | 23-28 June | Iowa State Automobile Association | Reliability / not held |
Sanction No. 590 | 14-15 June | E.A. Moross | Track / Emeryville / Oakland, California |
Sanction No. 591 | 21 June | Los Angeles Evening Express | Track / Ascot Park / 10 mile race |
Sanction No. 592 | 28-30 July | Galveston Auto Club | Beach races |
Sanction No. 593 | 4 July | Western Auto Association | Road race / Los Angeles to Sacramento |
Sanction No. 594 | 22 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Rockford, Illinois |
Sanction No. 595 | 25 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Janesville, Wisconsin |
Sanction No. 596 | 28-29 June | Portland Auto Club | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 597 | 4 July | Columbia Auto Club | Track / Columbia, South Carolina |
Sanction No. 597 ½ | 4 July | New Mexico Automobile Association | Road race / Albuquerque |
Sanction No. 598 | 4 July | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 599 | 13 September | Cincinnati Auto Club | Track / Covington, Kentucky |
Sanction No. 600 | 29-30 August | Chicago Auto Club | Elgin Road Races |
Sanction No. 601 | 6 July | Chamber of Commerce | Track / Sacramento, California |
Sanction No. 602 | 26 July-1 August | San Antonio Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 603 | 13 July | E.A. Moross | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 604 | Chicago Motor Club | Around Lake Michigan / not held | |
Sanction No. 605 | J.A. Sloan | Track / Lincoln, Nebraska / not held | |
Sanction No. 606 | 17 July | J.A. Sloan | Track / St. Joseph, Missouri |
Sanction No. 607 | 26 July | Rockland County Auto Racing Association | Track / Orangeburg, New York |
Sanction No. 608 | 9 August | Santa Monica Bay Chamber of Commerce | Road race |
Sanction No. 609 | 20 July | J.A. Sloan | Track / Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Sanction No. 610 | 20 July | Walter Hempel | Track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 611 | 9 August | Motor Dealers Contest Association | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No. 612 | 29-31 July | Lincoln Auto Club | Tour |
Sanction No. 613 | 18-22 August | Wisconsin State Automobile Association | Tour / not held |
Sanction No. 614 | 20-21 August | Newport Motor Club | Hill climb / Newport, Indiana |
Sanction No. 615 | 9 September | Corona Auto Association | Road race / Corona, California |
Sanction No. 616 | 4 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Streator, Illinois |
Sanction No. 617 | 17 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Libertyville, Illinois |
Sanction No. 618 | 16 August | George T. Long | Track / White Plains, New York |
Sanction No. 619 | 1-2 September | Sioux City Automobile Club & Speedway Association | Track / Sioux City, Iowa |
Sanction No. 620 | 6 September | Minnesota State Agricultural Association | Track / Hamline, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 621 | 30 August-2 September | Auto Club of Seattle | Reliability Grade III |
Sanction No. 622 | 20 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Aurora, Illinois |
Sanction No. 623 | 27 September | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 624 | 31 August | Oceanside Beach Speed Carnival Association | Beach races / California |
Sanction No. 625 | 1-5 September | Houston Motor Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 626 | 1 September | J.A. Sloan | Track / Davenport, Iowa |
Sanction No. 627 | 14 September | Kings County Fair Association | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 628 | 13 September | J.A. Sloan | Track / Toledo, Ohio |
Sanction No. 629 | 7 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Jackson, Michigan |
Sanction No. 630 | 1 September | Labor Day Auto Committee | Road race / Carson City |
Sanction No. 631 | 11 October | Illinois State Board of Agriculture | Track / Springfield, Illinois |
Sanction No. 632 | 4 October | Fresno County Agricultural Association | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 633 | 17-19 September | Norfolk Commercial Club | Track / Norfolk, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 634 | 12 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Sandusky, Ohio |
Sanction No. 635 | 3 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Los Angeles – Phoenix road race |
Sanction No. 636 | 4 November | Maricopa Auto Club | El Paso – Phoenix road race |
Sanction No. 637 | 6 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 638 | 21 September | Michigan State Agricultural Society | Track / Detroit, Michigan |
Sanction No. 639 | 13 September | Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture | Track / Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Sanction No. 640 | 19 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Youngstown, Ohio |
Sanction No. 641 | 26 September | Hays County Fair Association transferred to Bradley & Storey | Track / San Marcos, Texas |
Sanction No. 642 | 3-4 October | Oklahoma State Fair | Track / Oklahoma City |
Sanction No. 643 | 4 October | Inter-State Fair | Track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 644 | 11 October | W.T. Kincaid | Track / Providence |
Sanction No. 645 | 21 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Fort Wayne, Indiana |
Sanction No. 646 | 27 September | National Implement & Vehicle Show | Track / Peoria, Illinois |
Sanction No. 647 | 27 September | Kalamazoo Fair & E.A. Moross | Track / Kalamazoo, Michigan |
Sanction No. 648 | 28 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 649 | 11 October | Kings County Auto Club | Road race / Hansford, California |
Sanction No. 650 | 5 October | E.B. Staley & F.O. Bennett | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 651 | 2-4 October | Pittsburgh Leader | Reliability |
Sanction No. 652 | 4 October | Auto Club of St. Louis | Reliability |
Sanction No. 653 | Quaker City Motor Club | Reliability – Economy / not held | |
Sanction No. 654 | 19 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / St. Louis, Missouri |
Sanction No. 655 | 9,12 November | Shreveport Auto Club | Track / Shreveport, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 656 | 10 October | Chicago Auto Club versus Chicago Athletic Association | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 657 | 18 October | McColdrick Brothers | Track / Norristown, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 658 | 11 October | Denver Motor Club | Hill climb / Morrison, Colorado |
Sanction No. 659 | 3-5 December | Motor Dealers Contest Association | Reliability |
Sanction No. 660 | 20, 22-23 November | San Antonio Auto Club | Track / San Antonio, Texas |
Sanction No. 661 | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California / postponed | |
Sanction No. 662 | 20 December | Professional & Business Men’s Club | Road race / Fowler, California |
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Sanction No. 663 | 18 June | Automobile Club of Fayette County | Hill climb / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 664 | 11 January | Fresno Auto Dealers Association | 100 mile track race |
Sanction No. 665 | 21 February | Santa Monica Bay Chamber of Commerce | Vanderbilt Cup |
Sanction No. 666 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500 mile race |
Sanction No. 667 | 4 July | Sioux City Auto Club & Speedway Association | 300 mile track race |
Sanction No. 668 | 8 March | Shreveport Auto Club | Track / Shreveport, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 669 | 17 March | J.A. Sloan | Track / Hot Springs, Arkansas |
Sanction No. 670 | 18 April | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 671 | 3-4 July | Tacoma Carnival Association | Speedway races |
Sanction No. 672 | 2 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Meridian, Mississippi |
Sanction No. 673 | 11 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Birmingham, Alabama |
Sanction No. 674 | 9 May | Atlanta A & A Association | Hill climb / Atlanta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 675 | 4 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Jackson, Mississippi |
Sanction No. 676 | 18 April | C.F. Neumann | Road race / Merced, California |
Sanction No. 677 | 15 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Macon, Georgia |
Sanction No. 678 | 18 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Augusta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 679 | 22 April | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 680 | 25 April | J.A. Sloan | Track / Columbia, South Carolina |
Sanction No. 681 | 1-2 May | Khedive Patrol AAONMS | Track / Norfolk, Virginia |
Sanction No. 682 | 28 April | Adluh Drum Corps | Track / Columbia, South Carolina |
Sanction No. 683 | 12-13 June | Chicago Auto Club | Inter-Club Reliability |
Sanction No. 684 | 21-22 August | Chicago Auto Club | Elgin Road Races |
Sanction No. 685 | 6 June | Quaker City Auto Club & Automobile Club of Philadelphia & Automobile Club of Delaware County & Automobile Club of Germantown | Inter-Club Reliability / abandoned |
Sanction No. 686 | 23 May | Kings County Automobile Club | Road race / Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 687 | 30 May | United Auto Racing Association | Track / Grant City, Staten Island, New York |
Sanction No. 688 | 17 May | J.H. Dalton | Track / Ascot Park / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 689 | 4 July | Tulare County Automobile Association | Road races / Visalia, California |
Sanction No. 690 | 29 May | Philadelphia Inquirer | Roadability |
Sanction No. 691 | 16 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Altoona, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 692 | 20 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Johnstown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 693 | 26 May | J.A. Sloan | Lebanon, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 694 | 30 May | National Capital Motorcycle Club | Track / Washington, District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 695 | 30 May | Ellis H. Smith | Track / Santa Ana, California |
Sanction No. 696 | 13-14 June | Northwestern Automobile Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 697 | 4 July | Prescott Auto Club | Road race / Prescott, Arizona |
Sanction No. 698 | 3-4 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 699 | 30 July-3 August | Galveston Beach racing Association | Beach races / Galveston |
Sanction No. 699 ½ | 5 July | Taft Road Races | Road race / Taft, California |
Sanction No. 700 | 6 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Youngstown, Ohio |
Sanction No. 701 | 18-19 July | Northwestern Speedway Corporation | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 702 | 10 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / New Brighton, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 703 | 13 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Wheeling, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 704 | 4 July | Cedar Valley District Fair | Track / Cedar Falls, Iowa |
Sanction No. 705 | 20 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Springfield, Ohio |
Sanction No. 706 | 30 June | Sioux City Automobile Club & Speedway Association | Track / Sioux City |
Sanction No. 707 | 24 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Lima, Ohio |
Sanction No. 708 | 27 June | J.A. Sloan | Track / Toledo, Ohio |
Sanction No. 709 | 27 June | O.V. Matthews | Track / Walden, New York |
Sanction No. 710 | 12 September | Minnesota State Fair | Track / Hamline, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 711 | 11-12 July | Rose City Speedway Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 712 | 4-5 July | Hawthorne Racing Association | Track / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 713 | 16-17 | Norfolk Commercial Club | Track / Norfolk, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 714 | 4 July | C.W. Johnson | Hill climb / Uniontown, Pennsylvania / abandoned |
Sanction No. 715 | 18-19 July | Meadows Amusement Company | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 716 | 15-18 August | Post-Intelligencer | Tour / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 717 | 25-26 July | Northwestern Automobile Association | Track / North Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 718 | 25 July | Indiana Auto Racing Association | Track / Edinburg, Indiana |
Sanction No. 719 | 19 July | J.A. Sloan | Track / Calumet, Michigan |
Sanction No. 720 | 29-30 July | Columbus Auto Club | Reliability |
Sanction No. 721 | 2 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Butte, Montana |
Sanction No. 722 | 26 September | Inter-State Fair | Track / Kalamazoo, Michigan / 100 miles |
Sanction No. 723 | 8 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Salt Lake City |
Sanction No. 724 | 9 August | E.A. Moross | Track / Ogden, Utah |
Sanction No. 725 | 28 July | J.A. Sloan | Track / Mankato, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 726 | 3 October | Fresno County Fair Association | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 727 | 8-9 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / St. Louis, Missouri |
Sanction No. 728 | 22 August, 6 September | St. Louis Auto Racing Association | Track / St. Louis, Missouri / originally 22-23 August, but 23 August postponed to 6 September |
Sanction No. 729 | 15-16 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / Columbus, Ohio / canceled |
Sanction No. 730 | 3-5 September | Wisconsin State Automobile Association | Reliability – Economy |
Sanction No. 731 | 14-15 August | Los Angeles Times | Commercial Vehicle Reliability |
Sanction No. 732 | 17 August | Chamber of Commerce of Colorado Springs | Reliability / Colorado Springs to Salt Lake City / canceled |
Sanction No. 733 | 5,7 September | Motor Dealers Contest Association | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No.734 | 27 September | Alameda County Fair Association | Track / Pleasanton, California |
Sanction No. 735 | 23 August | J.A. Sloan | Track / St. Joseph, Missouri / rain / not held |
Sanction No. 736 | 6-7 September | J.A. Sloan | Track / Detroit, Michigan |
Sanction No. 737 | See Sanction No. 763 | ||
Sanction No. 738 | 29 August | Galesburg District Fair | Track / Galesburg, Illinois |
Sanction No. 739 | 30 August | Northwestern Automobile Association | Track / Centralia, Washington |
Sanction No. 740 | 5 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 741 | 4 September | Iowa State Board of Agriculture | Track / Des Moines, Iowa |
Sanction No. 742 | 20 September | Dingley Benefit | Track / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 743 | 20 September | St. Louis Auto Racing Association | Track / St. Louis, Missouri / originally 7 September |
Sanction No. 744 | 11-12 September | National Implement & Vehicle Show | Track / Peoria, Illinois |
Sanction No. 745 | 7 September | Automobile Club of Utah | Track / Lagoon, Utah |
Sanction No. 746 | 7 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Rochester |
Sanction No. 747 | 7 September | F.G. Thomas | Track / Somerville, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 748 | 2 October | Inter-State Fair | Track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 749 | 12 September | O.V. Matthews | Track / Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 750 | 14 September | Wisconsin State Board of Agriculture | Track / Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Sanction No. 751 | 14 September | South Dakota State Fair | Track / Huron, South Dakota |
Sanction No. 752 | 12 September | Toledo Fair Association | Track / Toledo, Ohio |
Sanction No. 753 | 26 November | Corona Auto Racing Association | Corona Road Race |
Sanction No. 754 | 18-19 September | Kansas State Fair | Track / Hutchinson, Kansas |
Sanction No. 755 | 18-19 September | Illinois State Board of Agriculture | Track / Springfield, Illinois |
Sanction No. 756 | 19 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Fort Wayne, Indiana |
Sanction No. 757 | 26 September | Joe Moran | Track / Troy, New York |
Sanction No. 758 | 26 September | J.A. Sloan & Tri-State Fair | Track / Memphis, Tennessee |
Sanction No. 759 | 3 November | C.V. Matthews | Track / Brighton Beach |
Sanction No. 760 | 10 October | Automobile Club of St. Louis | Reliability |
Sanction No. 761 | 30 September | E.A. Moross | Track / Decatur, Illinois |
Sanction No. 762 | 22 October | Galesburg District Fair Association | Track / 100 mile / Illinois |
Sanction No. 763 | 4 October | E.A. Moross | Track / Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Sanction No. 764 | 9-11 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Los Angeles – Phoenix Road Race |
Sanction No. 765 | 12 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 766 | 8-9 November | El Paso Auto Club | El Paso – Phoenix Road Race |
Sanction No. 767 | 2 October | Oklahoma State Fair | Track / Oklahoma City |
Sanction No. 768 | 3 October | Oklahoma Auto Club | Track / Oklahoma City |
Sanction No. 769 | 3 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Sedalia, Missouri |
Sanction No. 770 | October 20-21 | F.S. Duesenberg | Track / Rock Island, Illinois |
Sanction No. 771 | 25-26 September | Denver Motor Club | Track / Denver, Colorado |
Sanction No. 772 | 8 October | Cole Motor Car Company | Cole Certified Test / Indianapolis, Indiana |
Sanction No. 773 | 10 October | J.A. Sloan | Track / Muskogee, Oklahoma |
Sanction No. 774 | 10 October | Chicago Auto Club | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 775 | 24 October | F.S. Duesenberg | 100 mile / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 776 | 18 October | A.L. Kirkham | Track / St. Joseph, Missouri |
1915 | |||
Sanction No. 777 | 22 February | Panama – Pacific International Exposition | Vanderbilt Cup Race |
1914 | |||
Sanction No. 778 | 17-18 October | Tulsa Auto Club | Track / Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Sanction No. 779 | 22 October | L.E. Munson | Track / Utica, New York |
Sanction No. 780 | 30-31 October | San Antonio Automobile Club | Track / San Antonio / originally 24-25 October / possible 22-? November |
Sanction No. 781 | 8,11 November | Shreveport Automobile Club | Track / Shreveport, Louisiana |
Sanction No. 782 | 29 October | A.L. Kirkham | Track / Pawnee City, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 783 | 31 October-1 November | A.L. Kirkham | Track / Beatrice, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 784 | 3 November | G.W. Henner | Track / Rochester, New York |
Sanction No. 785 | 6 November | Fort Worth Auto Club | Track / Fort Worth, Texas |
1915 | |||
Sanction No. 786 | 9 January | Al Bahr Temple M S | San Diego Road Race |
1914 | |||
Sanction No. 787 | 9 November | Stromberg Motor Devices Company | Certified Test |
Sanction No. 788 | 19-20 November | Carl G. Fisher | Certified Test |
Sanction No. 789 | 12 November | Nordyke & Marmon Company | “Stock Car” speed trials |
Sanction No. 790 | 27 December | Pacific Motor Racing Association | Oldfield-Burman Match Race / Ascot Park / originally 20 December |
1915 | |||
Sanction No. 791 | 30 January | B P O E | Road race / Glendale, California |
Sanction No. 792 | 27 January | Oakland Motor Company | Certified Test – Fuel economy |
1914 | |||
Sanction No. 793 | 3-4 December | Stewart-Warner S Corporation | Certified Tests |
1915 | |||
Sanction No. 794 | 1 January | Borderland Auto Club | Tucson Road Race |
Sanction No. 795 | 3 January | Pacific Motor Racing Association | Oldfield-Burman Match Race / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 796 | 7 February | Bert Smith | Track / 100 mile race / Ascot Park |
Sanction No. 797 | 3 July | Sioux City Speedway Association | 300 mile race |
Sanction No. 798 | 19 June | Speedway Park Association | 500 mile race / Chicago |
Sanction No. 799 | 17 March | Western Auto Association | Road race / Venice, California |
Sanction No. 800 | 29 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500 mile race |
Sanction No. 801 | 4-5 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway races |
Sanction No. 802 | 5 July | Omaha Auto Speedway | Speedway races |
Sanction No. 803 | 20 April | Southwest Auto Racing Association | Road race / Oklahoma City |
Sanction No. 804 | 24 April | Southwest Auto Racing Association | Road race / Oklahoma City / originally 22 April |
Sanction No. 805 | 20 March | Borderland Auto Club | Road race / Tucson, Arizona |
Sanction No. 806 | 4 April | Walter Hempel | Match Race / Ascot Park |
Sanction No. 807 | 1 May | O.V. Matthews | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 808 | 5 July | Tulare County Automobile Association | Road race / Visalia, California |
Sanction No. 809 | 15 May | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California / postponed from 1 May |
Sanction No. 810 | 9 June | Galesburg District Fair | Track / 100 mile |
Sanction No. 811 | 1-2 May | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 812 | 15 May | Inland Automobile Association | Hill climb / Spokane, Washington |
Sanction No. 813 | 8 May | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Salem, Oregon |
Sanction No. 814 | 9 May | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 815 | 8 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Dayton, Ohio |
Sanction No. 816 | 12 May | J.A. Sloan | Track / Springfield, Ohio |
Sanction No. 817 | 23 May | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Spokane, Washington / originally 17-18 May / postpone to 23-24 May / 24 May abandoned |
Sanction No. 818 | 15-16 May | Columbus Auto Club | Track / Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 819 | 11 May | Stromberg Motor Devices Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 820 | 20-21 August | Chicago Auto Club | Elgin Road Races |
Sanction No. 821 | 31 May | Matty Matthews Auto Racing Association | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 822 | 31 May | Rochester race Track Association | Track / Rochester, New York |
Sanction No. 823 | 22-23 May | Cleveland Auto Club | Track / Cleveland, Ohio |
Sanction No. 824 | 30-31 May | Northwest Automobile Association | Track . North Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 825 | 9 July | Tri-State Fair | Track / 100 mile / Burlington, Iowa |
Sanction No. 826 | 24 June | Uniontown Manufacturing Association | Hill climb / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 827 | 5-6 June | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Walla Walla, Washington |
Sanction No. 828 | 7-8 July | Taylor Auto Club | Track / Taylor, Texas |
Sanction No. 829 | 11-12 June | Chicago Auto Club | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 830 | 12-13 June | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Seattle, Washington |
Sanction No. 831 | 3 July | Auto Club of Utica | Hill climb / Oriskany Falls |
Sanction No. 832 | 28 August | Kalamazoo Motor Speedway | 100 mile track race |
Sanction No. 833 | 10 July | Eastern Racing Association | Track / Lewiston, Maine / originally 5 July |
Sanction No. 834 | 10 July | “Matty” Matthews Auto Racing Association | Track / Readville, Massachusetts / originally 5 July |
Sanction No. 835 | 6 November | Borderland Auto Club | Road race / Tucson, Arizona / originally 5 July / abandoned |
Sanction No. 836 | 4 September | Twin City Motor Speedway | 500 mile race |
Sanction No. 837 | 2 October | Fresno County Agricultural Association | Track race / 150 mile / Fresno |
Sanction No. 838 | 9 October | Sheepshead Bay Speedway Corporation | 350 mile race / New York |
Sanction No. 839 | 4-5 July | Peninsula Motor Club | Track / Monterey, California |
Sanction No. 840 | 2 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speed trials |
Sanction No. 841 | 5 July | Frank E. Morris | Track / Fairmont, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 842 | 5 July | Chet Howell | Track / Saginaw, Michigan / originally 4 July |
Sanction No. 843 | 4 July | J.F. Flanders | Track / San Jose, California |
Sanction No. 844 | 18 September | Narragansett Park Speedway | Providence / 100 mile race |
Sanction No. 845 | 13 August | Matthews Auto Racing Association | Track / Flemington, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 846 | 31 July | Matthews Auto Racing Association | Track / Allentown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 847 | 10 July | Pan-Pacific International Exposition | Track / San Francisco |
Sanction No. 848 | 10 July | Packard Motor Car Company | Certified Trials / Chicago Speedway |
Sanction No. 849 | 25-26 August | Newport Motor Club | Hill climb / Newport, Indiana |
Sanction No. 850 | 7 August | Des Moines Auto Speedway | 300 mile race / postponed from 31 July |
Sanction No. 851 | 24-25 July | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 852 | 1 August | D.E. Francis | Track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 853 | 31 July | Automobile Racing Association | Track / Clarksburg, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 854 | 31 July-1 August | Barney Oldfield | Time trials / Cleveland, Ohio |
Sanction No. 855 | 7 August | Speedway Park Association | Match Race / Chicago |
Sanction No. 856 | 16 October | Speedway Park Association | 300 mile race / Chicago / abandoned |
Sanction No. 857 | 31 July | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Boise, Idaho |
Sanction No. 858 | 6-7 August | Automobile Racing Association | Track / Altoona, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 859 | 6 September | H.A. McLinden & W.L. Claiborne | Tanforan, California / 150 mile race |
Sanction No. 860 | 7 August | Rochester Race Track Corporation | Crittenden Park |
Sanction No. 861 | 7-12 September | Trails & Towns | Reliability – Economy Tour |
Sanction No. 862 | 14 August | Automobile Racing Association | Johnstown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 863 | 13-14 September | Inland Automobile Association | Track / Spokane, Washington |
Sanction No. 864 | 1 October | Interstate Fair | Track / Trenton, New Jersey / abandoned |
Sanction No. 865 | 27 August, 6 September | Automobile Racing Association | Track / Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania / originally 27-28 August, 28 August postponed to 6 September |
Sanction No. 866 | 6 September | C.V. Matthews | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 867 | 5 September | H.A. McLinden & W.L. Claiborne | Track / Tanforan, California / postponed |
Sanction No. 868 | 3 September | M.J. Crell | Track / Marshall, Michigan |
Sanction No. 869 | 6 September | M.J. Crell | Track / Ithaca, Michigan |
Sanction No. 870 | 9 September | M.J. Crell | Track / Bay City, Michigan |
Sanction No. 871 | 2 October | Washington Race Association | Track / Arden, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 872 | 22 September | Chicago Auto Club & Chicago Athletic Association & South Shore Country Club | Fall Inter-Club Reliability |
Sanction No. 873 | 25 September | Automobile Racing Association | Track / Morgantown, West Virginia / originally 17 September |
Sanction No. 874 | 18 September | Automobile Racing Association | Track / Fairmont, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 875 | 18 September | Sheepshead Bay Speedway Association | Time trial / 10 miles |
Sanction No. 876 | 10 October | Columbus Speedway Association | 100 mile race / Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 877 | 15-16 October | Automobile Club of St. Louis | 8th Annual Owners’ Reliability Tour |
Sanction No. 878 | 20 November | Maricopa Auto Club | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 879 | 16-17 October | S.L. Boukard | Track / San Francisco, California |
Sanction No. 880 | 9 October | Matthews Auto Racing Association | Track / Allentown, Pennsylvania / abandoned |
Sanction No. 881 | 21-23 October | Chicago Auto Club | Master Drivers Reliability |
Sanction No. 882 | 21-22 October | Waterville Auto Racing Association | Track / Waterville, Washington |
Sanction No. 883 | 2 November | Sheepshead Bay Speedway | Invitation Match Race |
Sanction No. 884 | 23 October | Ohio Valley Auto Club | Track / Wheeling, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 885 | 28 October | National Carburetor Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 886 | 16 October | Utica Auto Racing Association | Track / Utica, New York |
Sanction No. 887 | 25 November | Clarence Bennett | Track / San Francisco, California |
Sanction No. 888 | 22 November | Lord Motor Car Company | Maxwell non-stop trial |
Sanction No. 889 | 18,24-25,29 November | Hudson Motor Car Company | Speed Trials / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 890 | 26-27 November | New Jersey Automobile & Motor Club | Reliability Tour |
Sanction No. 891 | 28 November | Fresno Motor Car Dealers | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 892 | 26 December | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 893 | 4 December | Clarence Bennett | Track / San Francisco / abandoned |
1916 | |||
Sanction No. 894 | 5 March | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 895 | 20 May | Speedway Park Association | Non-professional race / Chicago |
Sanction No. 896 | 11-12 August | Pikes Peak Auto Highway Company | Hill climb / Pikes Peak |
Sanction No. 897 | 8 April | Citrus Belt Racing Association | Corona Boulevard Race |
Sanction No. 898 | 19 March | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 899 | 13 May | Sheepshead Bay Speedway | Matinee / New York |
Sanction No. 900 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 300 mile race |
Sanction No. 901 | 10 June | Speedway Park Association | 300 mile race / Chicago |
Sanction No. 902 | 1 April | Stromberg Motor Devices | Certified Trial / Chicago |
Sanction No. 903 | 25 March | Clarence Bennett | Boulevard Race / San Diego |
Sanction No. 904 | 20 June | Galesburg District Fair Association | 100 mile track race |
Sanction No. 905 | 4 July | Northwest Automobile Association | Track / Coeur d’Alene |
Sanction No. 906 | 16 April | Ascot Speedway Association | 150 mile race |
Sanction No. 907 | 16-17 June | Trade Racing Association | 24 hour stock chassis race / abandoned |
Sanction No. 908 | 9-10 April | Hudson Motor Car Company | Stock chassis speed trial / Daytona, Florida |
Sanction No. 909 | 29 April | Raisin Classic Trophy Association | Road race / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 910 | 4 June | American Liberty Committee | 30 mile Speedway race / Sheepshead Bay / abandoned |
Sanction No. 911 | 30 May | Tacoma Speedway Association | Matinee / Tacoma |
Sanction No. 912 | 4-5 September | Inland Automobile Association | Track / Spokane, Washington |
Sanction No. 913 | 6 May | Gardena Valley Strawberry Day Association | Road race / Gardena, California |
Sanction No. 914 | 4 July | Tulare County Automobile Association | Road race / Visalia, California |
Sanction No. 915 | 26 April | Ware Brothers | Certified Trial / “Aer-In” |
Sanction No. 916 | 20-28 July | North Dakota State Automobile Association | Grade III Reliability / abandoned |
Sanction No. 917 | 4 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Matinee / Match Race / Tacoma |
Sanction No. 918 | 1-2 May | Hudson Motor Car Company | Speed trials / 24 hour |
Sanction No. 919 | 24 June | Des Moines Speedway Company | Speedway races / originally 26 June |
Sanction No. 920 | 7 May | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 921 | 30 May | Olympic Park Auto Racing Association | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 922 | 30 May | Elmira A.M.B. Racing Association | Track / Elmira, New York |
Sanction No. 923 | 1 June | National Automobile Chamber of Commerce | Certified trials / Hudson Motor Car Company / abandoned |
Sanction No. 924 | 15 May | Inland Automobile Association | Hill climb / Spokane, Washington |
Sanction No. 925 | 30 May | Twin City Motor Speedway | Matinee / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 926 | 5 August | Tacoma Speedway Association | 300 mile race |
Sanction No. 927 | 30 May | Des Moines Speedway Company | Matinee / Des Moines |
Sanction No. 928 | 19-20 May | Chalmers Motor Company of New York | 24 hour traffic trial |
Sanction No. 929 | 15 July | Omaha Auto Speedway Company | Speedway / Omaha |
Sanction No. 930 | 4 July | Twin City Motor Speedway Company | Speedway / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 931 | 16 November | Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce | Vanderbilt Cup Race |
Sanction No. 932 | 4 July | Floyd E. Fitzsimmons | Track / Benton Harbor, Michigan |
Sanction No. 933 | 30 May | Actors Fund of America Committee | Gymkana / Ascot Speedway |
Sanction No. 934 | 29-30 | Mitchell Motor Car Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 935 | 4 June | Speedway Park Association | Record trials |
Sanction No. 936 | 27-28 June | Auto Club of Waterville | Track / Waterville, Washington |
Sanction No. 937 | 4 September | Cincinnati Speedway | 300 mile race / Cincinnati |
Sanction No. 938 | 20 July | Uniontown Motoring Association | Track meet / Youngwood, Pennsylvania / originally hill climb Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 939 | 15-29 June | King Motor Car Company | Certified Trials / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 940 | 17 June | Olympic Park Racing Association | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 941 | 22-23 June | Chicago Auto Club & Chicago Athletic Association | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 942 | 8-9 June | Automobile Business Association | Track / 100 mile / Grand Rapids, Michigan |
Sanction No. 943 | 18 June | Speedway Park Association | Match Races / Chicago |
Sanction No. 944 | 19 August | Chicago Automobile Club | Elgin Road Race |
Sanction No. 945 | 16 July | Northwest Automobile Racing Association | Track / Portland, Oregon |
Sanction No. 946 | 26 August | Kalamazoo Motor Speedway | 100 mile track race |
Sanction No. 947 | 4 July | Auto Club of Hibbing | Road race / Hibbing, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 948 | 15-16 July | Motor Truck Dealers Association | Commercial Vehicle Demonstration / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 949 | 22 July | Automobile Club of Utica | Hill climb / Utica, New York |
Sanction No. 950 | 4 July | Olympic Park Racing Association | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 951 | 18 November | Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce | Grand Prize Race / Vanderbilt Cup Race |
Sanction No. 952 | 4 July | Elmira A.M.B. Racing Association | Track / Elmira, New York |
Sanction No. 953 | 4 July | Sioux City Auto Speedway | Speedway / Sioux City |
Sanction No. 954 | 4 July | Sheepshead Bay Speedway | 10 mile Match Race |
Sanction No. 955 | 3 July | The Pathfinder Company | Certification stock status & sealing transmission |
Sanction No. 956 | 22 July | Kansas City Speedway and Exposition Company | Speedway / Kansas City |
Sanction No. 957 | 9 September | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speedway / Indianapolis |
Sanction No. 958 | 26 June | Des Moines Speedway Company | Matinee / Des Moines |
Sanction No. 959 | 18 September | North Yakima Auto Club | Track / North Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 960 | 21 July | Vapor Gasoline Economizer Company | Certified Trial / New York |
Sanction No. 961 | 19 August | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Chicago |
Sanction No. 962 | 30 September | Fresno District Fair | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 963 | 29 July | Sheepshead Bay Speedway | Exhibition |
Sanction No. 964 | 31 July | The Pathfinder Company | Certified Trial / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 965 | 14-15 August | King Motor Car Company | Certified Trial / Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 966 | August | King Motor Car Company | Certified Trial / Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 967 | 18 August | Flemington Fair & Carnival Association | Track / Flemington, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 968 | 22 August | Butler Driving Park & Fair Association | Track / Butler, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 969 | 4 September | American Auto Racing Association | Track / Bennings |
Sanction No. 970 | 29 September | Interstate Fair | Track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 971 | 10 September | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Ford events / postponed from 4 September |
Sanction No. 972 | 16 September | Narragansett Park Speedway | Speedway / Providence, Rhode Island |
Sanction No. 973 | 29 August | King Motor Car Company | Certified trial – Armored Car |
Sanction No. 974 | Premier Motor Corporation | Certified Trial | |
Sanction No. 975 | 4 September | C.P. Galanot | Track / Pulaski, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 976 | 31 August | Hupp Motor Car Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 977 | 15 October | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Chicago |
Sanction No. 978 | 8 September | Hupp Motor Car Company | Certified Economy Trial |
Sanction No. 979 | 30 September | United Service Association | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 980 | 7 October | Automobile Club of Wilkes-Barre | Hill climb / Wilkes-Barre |
Sanction No. 981 | 7 October | Dodge City Motor Speedway Corporation | Track / Dodge City, Kansas |
Sanction No. 982 | 23 September | C.P. Galanot | Track / DuBois, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 983 | 23-25 September | Automobile Club of St. Louis | Reliability Tour |
Sanction No. 984 | 19 September | Mylemaker Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 985 | 18 November | Arizona State Fair Commission | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 986 | 27 September | Automatic Carburetor Company | Certified Trial / Chicago |
Sanction No. 987 | 7 October | Chicago Auto Club | Interclub Reliability |
Sanction No. 988 | 27 October | Southern Arizona Fair | Road race / Tucson |
Sanction No. 989 | 7 October | C.P. Galanot | Track / Indiana, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 990 | 28 October | United Service Association | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 991 | 14 October | Richmond Auto Club | Track / Richmond, Virginia |
Sanction No. 992 | 19-21 October | Chicago Auto Club | Grade II Reliability |
Sanction No. 993 | Crow Motor Car Company | 24 hour stock chassis trial | |
Sanction No. 994 | 13 November | Arizona State Fair Commission | Road race / Douglas – Phoenix |
Sanction No. 995 | 28 October | Kern County Fair Association | Track / Bakersfield |
Sanction No. 996 | 30 November | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 997 | 30 November | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 998 | 4 November | A.W. Smith | Track / Canfield, Ohio |
Sanction No. 999 | 24-25 November | New Jersey Auto & Motor Club | Grade II Reliability – 24 hour |
Sanction No. 1000 | 30 November | Middle Atlantic Motor Association | Track / Bennings / District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 1001 | 30 November | Joe V. Prochaska | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1002 | 27 November | Osgood Lens & Supply Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 1003 | 4 December | Gillette Motors Company | Certified Trial – Wilmo manifold |
Sanction No. 1004 | 5-7 December | Leach Motor Car Company | Certified Trial – Dort |
Sanction No. 1005 | 25 December | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 1006 | Saxon Motor Sales Company | Certified Trial / Los Angeles / abandoned | |
1917 | |||
Sanction No. 1007 | 28 January | F.W. Wenz | Track / Stockton, California |
Sanction No. 1008 | 8 April | G.L. Price | Track Stockton, California / originally 22 February / transferred from Pleasanton, California track |
Sanction No. 1009 | 25 February | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 1010 | 2 March | Automatic Manufacturing Company | Certified Trial / Chicago |
Sanction No. 1011 | 4 July | Tulare County Automobile Association | Visalia Road Race |
Sanction No. 1012 | 22 March | G.P. Coal Oil System | Certified Trial / Chicago |
Sanction No. 1013 | 21,27 March | Chalmers Motor Company | 24 hour traffic trial / Chicago and Speed Trial / Chicago |
Sanction No. 1014 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | 500 mile race / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1015 | 10 May | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown |
Sanction No. 1016 | 17-19 July | Contest Board American Automobile Association | Intercity Reliability |
Sanction No. 1017 | 30 May | Cincinnati Speedway Company | 250 mile race |
Sanction No. 1018 | 18-19 April | Chalmers Motor Company | 24 hour traffic trial / Detroit |
Sanction No. 1019 | 4 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway / Tacoma |
Sanction No. 1020 | 13 May | S.L. Price | Track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 1021 | 4 May | Chalmers Motor Company | Speed Trials / Jacksonville |
Sanction No. 1022 | 1-2 May | Chalmers Motor Company | 24 hour traffic trial / Boston |
Sanction No. 1023 | 30 May | Middle Atlantic Motor Association | Track / Washington, District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 1024 | 8 September | Pikes Peak Auto Highway | Hill climb / Pikes Peak |
Sanction No. 1025 | 30 May | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown |
Sanction No. 1026 | 4 July | R.A. Miller | Track / Spokane, Washington |
Sanction No. 1027 | 18-19 May | Chalmers Motor Company | Certified Trial / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 1028 | 16 June | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Chicago |
Sanction No. 1029 | 4 July | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown |
Sanction No. 1030 | 30 May | T.B. Shoemaker | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1031 | 4 July | Auto Speedway Company | Speedway / Omaha, Nebraska |
Sanction No. 1032 | 9 June | Chalmers Motor Company | Certified Trial / New York |
Sanction No. 1033 | 30 June | Intercontinental Auto Racing Association | Track / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1034 | 23 June | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Milwaukee |
Sanction No. 1035 | 1 July | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Detroit |
Sanction No. 1036 | 14 July | Stanley Kandul, Manager | Speedway / Fort Snelling, Minnesota |
Sanction No. 1037 | 28 July | Automobile Club of Rochester | Hill climb / Livon, New York |
Sanction No. 1038 | 4 August | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Minneapolis |
Sanction No. 1039 | 14 July | Packard Motor Car Company | Speed Trials / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1040 | 3 September | Cincinnati Speedway Company | Speedway / Cincinnati / canceled |
Sanction No. 1041 | 21 July | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Providence |
Sanction No. 1042 | 23 July | Frontier Days Association | Track / Cheyenne, Wyoming / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1043 | 11 August | Automobile Club of Utica | Hill climb / Richfield Springs |
Sanction No. 1044 | 28 July | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Atlanta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 1045 | 28 July | Chalmers Motor Company | Record trial 100 miles / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1046 | 28 July | Chalmers Motor Company | Record trial one hour / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1047 | 1-2 August | Chalmers Motor Company | 24 hour record trial |
Sanction No. 1048 | Lexington-Howard Company | Certified Trial / Connorsville, Pennsylvania | |
Sanction No. 1049 | 29 October | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown / postponed from 20 October |
Sanction No. 1050 | 3 September | National Motor Speedway Association | Track / Washington, District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 1051 | 17 September | Yakima Automobile Club | Track / North Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 1052 | 9 August | William Pickens | Record trial |
Sanction No. 1053 | 11 August | William Pickens | Match rave / St. Louis |
Sanction No. 1054 | 3 September | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway / Tacoma |
Sanction No. 1055 | 15 September | Narragansett Park Speedway | Speedway / Providence |
Sanction No. 1056 | 6 September | Monmouth Fair | Track / Red Bank, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1057 | 18 August | William H. Pickens | Match race / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1058 | 3 September | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown |
Sanction No. 1059 | 1 September | R.R. Rollins – N.M. Powell – G.T. Theobald | Track / Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1060 | 29 September | Fresno County Agricultural Association | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1061 | 3 September | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1062 | 29 September | Interstate Fair | Track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1063 | 22 September | H.W. Wellman | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1064 | 6-16 September | Leach Motor Car Company | Dort fuel economy |
Sanction No. 1065 | 13 October | Speedway Park Association | Speedway / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1066 | 28 September | Chicago Auto Club | Inter-Club Run |
Sanction No. 1067 | 6 October | Danbury Fair | Track / Danbury, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 1068 | 6 October | Automobile Club of Rochester | Track / Webster, New York |
Sanction No. 1069 | 7 October | Kern County Agricultural Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 1070 | 29 September | W.H. Pickens | Match race / Oldfield – Chevrolet / Dayton, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1071 | 22-23 October | Automobile Club of Hudson County | 24 hour reliability |
Sanction No. 1072 | 17-21 October | Moto Pep Manufacturing Company | Certified Trial |
Sanction No. 1073 | 8 October | W.H. Pickens | Match race / Chattanooga, Tennessee |
Sanction No. 1074 | 12-13 October | Virginia State Fair | Track / Richmond, Virginia |
Sanction No. 1075 | 13 October | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Chevrolet – Oldfield / Birmingham, Alabama |
Sanction No. 1076 | 14 October | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / New Orleans |
Sanction No. 1077 | 24 October | Ralph De Palma | Record trials |
Sanction No. 1078 | 20 November | New Jersey Auto & Motor Club | Grade II Reliability |
Sanction No. 1079 | 29 November | Ascot Speedway | Speedway / Los Angeles |
Sanction No. 1080 | 30 November | Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation | Certified Trial |
1918 | |||
Sanction No. 1081 | 7 April | Mais Racing Association | Track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 1082 | 16 April | Kerosene Motor Appliance Company | Certified Trial / New York |
Sanction No. 1083 | 19 April | Kerosene Motor Appliance Company | Certified Trial / New York |
Sanction No. 1084 | 16 May | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown |
Sanction No. 1085 | 30 May | Rochester Race Track Corporation | Track / Avon, New York |
Sanction No. 1086 | 30 May | Wm. H. Wellman | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1087 | 22 June | Wm. H. Wellman | Speedway / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1088 | 26 May | Sterling H. Price | Dirt track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 1089 | Kerosene Carburetor Company | Certified Trial / Chicago, Illinois | |
Sanction No. 1090 | 14-15 June | Curry Camping Company | Grade V Economy Run / Los Angeles to Camp Curry |
Sanction No. 1091 | 9 June | Wm. H. Wellman | Track / Clarksburg, West Virginia / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1092 | 8 June | Wm. H. Wellman | Track / Wheeling, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 1093 | 4 July | Wm. H. Wellman | Speedway / Cincinnati, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1094 | 4 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway / Tacoma, Washington |
Sanction No. 1095 | 20 June | Chicago Auto Club & Athletic Association | Inter Club Match / Chicago to Brook, Indiana and return |
Sanction No. 1096 | 18 July | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1097 | 28 July | W. H, Wellman | Speedway / Chicago, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1098 | 11 August | W. H. Pickens | Track / Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1099 | 17 August | Sheepshead Speedway Motor Club | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1100 | 2 September | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1101 | 5 October | Fresno County Agricultural Association | Track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1102 | 2 September | National Motor Speedway Association | Track / Bennings / District of Columbia |
Sanction No. 1103 | 17 August | New York Police Department | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay |
Sanction No. 1104 | 31 August | Gordon Monroe | Track / Altoona, Pennsylvania / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1105 | 16 September | Washington State Fair | Track / Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 1106 | The Econolene Company | Certified trial | |
Sanction No. 1107 | 15 September | Gordon Monroe | Track / Lima, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1108 | 4 October | Horace P. Murphy | Track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1009 | 19 October | Horace P. Murphy | Track / Danbury, Connecticut / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1110 | 21 September | Gordon Monroe | Track / Akron, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1111 | 23 November | F.S. Duesenberg | Record trials |
1919 | |||
Sanction No. 1112 | 31 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speedway / 500 mile race |
Sanction No. 1113 | 26 January | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / 100 mile race |
Sanction No. 1114 | 15 March | Santa Monica | Road race / 250 miles |
Sanction No. 1115 | 22 February | Kern County Fair Association | Track / 50 miles |
Sanction No. 1116 | 17 May | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1117 | 4-17 February | Ralph De Palma | Record trials / Daytona, Florida |
Sanction No. 1118 | 23 March | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / 150 miles |
Sanction No. 1119 | 24 April | San Bernardino Auto Trades Association | Hill climb / San Bernardino, California |
Sanction No. 1120 | 23 May | San Joaquin Auto Trades Association | Reliability Tour to Yosemite Valley / Grade 2 |
Sanction No. 1121 | 30-31 May | Richmond Auto Trade Association, Inc. | Track / Virginia State Fair Grounds |
Sanction No. 1122 | 12-13 June | Inter-City Club Run | |
Sanction No. 1122 “A” | 30-31 May | Curry Camping Company | Non-stock Reliability economy contest |
Sanction No. 1123 | 14 June | Eastern States Motor Racing Association | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay, New York |
Sanction No. 1124 | 30 May | Liberty Auto Speedway Association (F.G. Bell) | Dirt track / Penn Yan, New York |
Sanction No. 1125 | 4 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway / Lakeview, Washington |
Sanction No. 1126 | 19 July | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1127 | 4 July | Eastern States Motor Racing Association | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York |
Sanction No. 1128 | 4 July | Hanford Board of Trade | Dirt track / Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 1129 | 20 July | Ascot Speedway Association | “Moving Picture Day” / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 1130 | 23 August | Elgin Automobile Road Race Association | Road race / Elgin, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1131 | 19,26 July | New York Police Department Field Day | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay, New York |
Sanction No. 1132 | 2 August | Liberty Speedway Association (Frank G. Bell) | Dirt track / Brockport, New York |
Sanction No. 1133 | 1 September | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1134 | 15 August | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Middletown, New York |
Sanction No. 1135 | 4 October | Fresno County Agricultural Association | Track meet / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1136 | 27 November | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 1137 | 30 August | Millerton Racing Association (George M. Brizzie, Promoter) | Dirt track / Millerton, New York |
Sanction No. 1138 | 9 September | San Joaquin Valley Racing Association | Dirt track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1139 | 15 September | Automobile Club of Western Washington | Track / Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 1140 | 20 September | Eastern States Motor Racing Association, Inc. | Speedway / Sheepshead Bay, New York |
Sanction No. 1141 | 6 September | Automobile Club of Utica | Hill climb / Utica, New York |
Sanction No. 1142 | 1 September | Liberty Auto Speedway Association (Frank G. Bell, Promoter) | Dirt track / Wellsville, New York |
Sanction No. 1143 | 23-24, 26-27 September | Kings County Fair Association | Track / Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 1144 | 8 November | Arizona State Fair Association | Track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1145 | 6 September | C.E. Fisher | Match race / Johnstown, Pennsylvania / Gaston Chevrolet & Omar Toft / Luna Park track |
Sanction No. 1146 | 27 September | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Allentown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1147 | 13 September | Nazareth Fair Association | Dirt track / Nazareth, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1148 | 27 September | Board of State Fair Directors | State Fair Grounds / Salem, Oregon |
Sanction No. 1149 | 27 September | Liberty Auto Speedway Association | Dirt track / Albion, New York |
Sanction No. 1150 | 3 October | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Trenton, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1151 | 11 October | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Danbury, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 1152 | 5 October | Cincinnati Speedway Company | Speedway / Cincinnati, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1153 | 2-3 November | Automotive Trades & Highway Department of the Chamber of Commerce | Road race / El Paso, Texas to Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1154 | 18 October | Speedway / Providence, Rhode Island / abandoned | |
Sanction No. 1155 | 19 October | Kern County Fair Association | Dirt track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 1156 | 21 October | Thermo-au-matic Manifold | Certified Trial |
1920 | |||
Sanction No. 1157 | June | Bee Publishing Company | National Motor Track Reliability Contest |
Sanction No. 1158 | 31 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speedway / 500 mile race |
1919 | |||
Sanction No. 1159 | 17 November | J. Cunningham Son & Company | Record trials / Sheepshead Bay, New York |
Sanction No. 1160 | 4-5,10-12 December | Essex Motors | Time trials / Cincinnati Speedway |
1920 | |||
Sanction No. 1161 | 25 January | Ascot Speedway Association | Speedway / Los Angeles / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1162 | F.S. Duesenberg | Time trials / Sheepshead Bay | |
Sanction No. 1163 | 1 January | New York Auto Racing Association | Dirt track / Goldsboro, North Carolina |
Sanction No. 1164 | 1 January | Burt Starr | Dirt track / State Fair Grounds / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1165 | 28 February | Los Angeles Speedway Association | Los Angeles, California / postponed from 21 February |
Sanction No. 1166 | 19 June | Uniontown Speedway | Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1167 | 31 May | Hanford Board of Trade | Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 1168 | 5 July | Hanford Board of Trade | Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 1169 | 22 January | New York Auto Racing Association | Gainesville, Florida |
Sanction No. 1170 | 22 February | L.H. Gibbs | Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1171 | 7 February | New York Auto Racing Association | Beach race / Daytona, Florida |
Sanction No. 1172 | 28 February | New York Auto Racing Association | Dirt track / Ocala, Florida |
Sanction No. 1173 | 28 March | Los Angeles Speedway Association | Los Angeles, California / postponed from 21 March |
Sanction No. 1174 | 18 March | Harold F. Alexander | St. Petersburg, Florida |
Sanction No. 1175 | 28 August | Chicago Motor Club | Road race / Elgin, Illinois |
Sanction No. 1176 | 3 April | H.F. Alexander | Dirt track / Tampa, Florida |
Sanction No. 1177 | 30 April | Fresno County Raisin Day Festival Association | Dirt track / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1178 | 7-8 May | Curry Camping Company | Grade V Economy Run / Los Angeles – Camp Curry |
Sanction No. 1179 | 11 April | Frank Younger | Dirt track / Tucson, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1180 | 25-27 April | F.S. Duesenberg | Record trials / Daytona Beach, Florida |
Sanction No. 1181 | Dallas Auto Trade Association | Truck Run | |
Sanction No. 1182 | 31 May | Frank G. Bell | Dirt track / Brockport, New York |
Sanction No. 1183 | 9 May | C.T. Calhoun | Tucson, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1184 | 27-28 May | San Joaquin Auto Trades Association | Reliability Contest / Stockton to Camp Curry |
Sanction No. 1185 | 29 May | New Jersey Promoting Association | Olympic Park / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1186 | 23 May | Gilbert R. Harris | Match races / Salinas, California |
Sanction No. 1187 | 3-4 July | Automobile Club of Western Washington | Dirt track / Yakima, Washington |
Sanction No. 1188 | 5 July | Tacoma Speedway Association | Speedway / Tacoma, Washington |
Sanction No. 1189 | 6 September | Pikes Peak Auto Highway Company | Hill climb / Colorado Springs, Colorado |
Sanction No. 1190 | 5 July | Liberty Auto Speedway Association (Frank G. Bell) | Dirt track / Watertown, New York |
Sanction No. 1191 | 16-17 June | Inter-City Club Run | Reliability Contest / Chicago to Peoria |
Sanction No. 1192 | 25 November | Los Angeles Speedway Association | Los Angeles, California |
Sanction No. 1193 | 24 July | Edw. O. Hustedt | Speedway / Narragansett Park / Providence, Rhode Island / temporarily abandoned |
Sanction No. 1194 | Harold L. Arnold | Hill climb / San Bernardino / “Stock Essex Touring Car” | |
Sanction No. 1195 | 31 July | Newark Auto Racing Association | Olympic Park / Newark, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1196 | 6-7 August | Bluefield Post #9 American Legion | Dirt track / Bluefield, West Virginia |
Sanction No. 1197 | 20-21 August | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Middletown, New York |
Sanction No. 1198 | 27-28 August | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Flemington, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1198A | 29-30 July | Cole Motor Car Company | Speedway / Indianapolis, Indiana |
Sanction No. 1199 | 24 July | Geo. W. Lott | Lynden, Washington |
Sanction No. 1200 | 1 August | Columbus Automobile Club | Match race / Columbus, Ohio |
Sanction No. 1201 | 4 September | Newark Auto Racing Association | Dirt track / Newark, New Jersey / postponed from 14 August |
Sanction No. 1202 | 6 September | Uniontown Speedway Association | Speedway / Uniontown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1203 | 29 August | Sonoma County Fair Association | Dirt track / Santa Rosa, California |
Sanction No. 1204 | 6 September | Jay Nichols | Dirt track / Canadaigua, New York |
Sanction No. 1205 | 28 August | Bangor State Fair | Dirt track / Bangor, Maine |
Sanction No. 1206 | 25 September | Kings County Fair Association | Dirt track / Hanford, California |
Sanction No. 1207 | 6 September | Central Trades & Labor Council | Dirt track / Richmond, Virginia |
Sanction No. 1208 | 11 September | Norfolk Agricultural & Industrial Fair Association | Dirt track / Norfolk, Virginia |
Sanction No. 1209 | 6 September | Asheville Board of Trade | Hill climb / Hendersonville, North Carolina |
Sanction No. 1210 | 17 September | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Mount Holly, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1211 | 18 September | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Syracuse, New York |
Sanction No. 1212 | 25 September | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Allentown, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1213 | 25 September | Jay Nichols | Dirt track / Lyons, New York |
Sanction No. 1214 | 2 October | Jay Nichols | Dirt track / Brockport, New York |
Sanction No. 1215 | 13 November | Arizona State Fair Commission | Dirt track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1216 | 14 November | L.H. Gibbs | Dirt track / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1217 | 9 October | Horace P. Murphy | Dirt track / Danbury, Connecticut |
Sanction No. 1218 | 2 October | Prince Speedway Construction Company | Speedway / Fresno, California |
Sanction No. 1219 | 16 October | Kern County Fair Association | Dirt track / Bakersfield, California |
Sanction No. 1220 | 15 September | Paige Detroit Motor Company | Hill climb trial / Paige car / Pikes Peak / Colorado Springs, Colorado |
Sanction No. 1221 | 29 September | Lyons Harvest Day Festival | Dirt track / Lyons, New York / abandoned |
Sanction No. 1222 | 16 October | Horace P. Murphy | Speedway / Cranston / Providence, Rhode Island |
Sanction No. 1223 | 10 October | Wm. H. Pickens | Match race / Phoenix, Arizona |
Sanction No. 1224 | 5 October | O.T. Barr | Dirt track / Columbus, Georgia |
Sanction No. 1225 | 16 October | Jay Nichols | Dirt track / Athens, Pennsylvania |
Sanction No. 1226 | 19 October | O.T. Barr | Dirt track / Augusta, Georgia |
Sanction No. 1227 | 30 October | O.T. Barr | Dirt track / Moultrie, Georgia |
1921 | |||
Sanction No. 1228 | 22 February | Sonoma County Fair Association | Dirt track / Santa Rosa, California / originally 25 November / postponed to 25 December / postponed to 22 February / abandoned |
1920 | |||
Sanction No. 1229 | 6 November | O.T. Barr | Dirt track / Macon. Georgia |
Sanction No. 1230 | 25 November | Savannah Automobile Club | Road race / Savannah, Georgia |
1921 | |||
Sanction No. 1231 | 14 October | E.M. Bournenville | Tour from New York to Pacific Coast and return starting 14 October |
Sanction No. 1232 | 30 May | Indianapolis Motor Speedway | Speedway / Indianapolis, Indiana |
Sanction No. 1233 | 20-21 January | Paige Detroit Motor Car Company | Record trials / Daytona, Florida |
1920 | |||
Sanction No. 1234 | 21 December | Noble Auto Heater Company | Certified trial / East Rutherford, New Jersey |
Sanction No. 1235 | 26 December | William H. Pickens | Match race / Bakersfield, California / postponed from 19 December |
Clio Chatter & Notes
Savannah: 1902
The advent of automobile racing in the American South is usually dated as being with the advent of the beach races on the east coast of Florida in the first days of Spring in March 1903, beginning with the speed runs on Ormond Beach and Daytona Beach.16 I would suggest that is possible that automobile racing made its Southern debut a year earlier in Savannah, Georgia. On the one-mile track of the Savannah Fair Association on 8 March 1902, a ten mile race and a five mile race, along with an exhibition run comprised the program of events that about two thousand spectators witnessed as the first automobile racing event below the Mason-Dixon Line.17
The event was, perhaps, more of exhibition than an automotive contest given that the first race was between William T. Raney (or Rainey), who also served as the master of ceremonies, and Roy A. Raney (or Rainey), both being from New York, as was the judge for the event, Dr. E.N. Brandt. The marque of the cars used by the Raney duo are not mentioned, William Raney used a “twelve horse-power French machine,” while Roy Raney used an eight horsepower machine “of similar construction.” In the race, Roy Raney was spotted a handicap of one lap, one mile, but there seems to be some difference as to the winner of the event: the Times gives Ray Raney as the winner, covering the distance in 18 minutes 06 2/5 seconds, while the Herald states that despite the handicap, Roy Raney lost.
The second race was a five mile event with A.E. Whitney of New York competing against two entries from Savannah, T.A. Bryson and Dr. J.S. Howkins. After trailing for four and a half miles, Whitney passed Bryson for the lead and won by a margin of about two hundred yards, covering the distance in 14 minutes 58 seconds. Nothing is given as to the machines used or the fate of Dr. Howkins in the event. The $25 prize posted by the Raney duo was donated to a local charity rather than awarded to any of the those contesting the events.
In addition, there was an exhibition run by H.C. Baxter of Brunswick, Maine, who covered the mile in 1 minute 31 seconds.
While one might be able to dismiss the ten-miler as more of an exhibition than a race, the five mile event appears to have been a race in the true sense of the word, which would tend to give the nod to Savannah in 1902 rather than Ormond Beach in 1903 as the site witnessing the birth of Southern racing.
Peter Collins, Juan Fangio, Monza & the 1956 Myth
As I was looking through my files for something else entirely different, of course, I came across an article written by Michael T. Lynch some years ago for Cavallino18 regarding, “What really happened that day between Collins and Fangio in 1956.” This was, of course, the result of an exchange between Lynch and myself on the topic, the result of our being in what seemed a distinct minority on this topic, as I recall, when it was raised some years ago on The Nostalgia Forum. I have been meaning to revisit this topic as one of my myth-busting pieces, but Lynch did such a good job of doing this in his article I never put it very high on my priority list.
The story of the 1956 Gran Premio d’Italia is well-known, of course: Fangio retires early from the race, after one teammate refuses to give up his seat to Fangio, Collins pits, in a position to best Fangio in the championship, see Fangio, allows Fangio to have his car, and, thereby relinquishing a certain championship. A great story – as long as one does not allow the facts get in the way.
What Lynch makes clear is that what Collins may have relinquished was his chance to win the championship. As they approached Monza, the points standings for Fangio and Collins were thus:
Fangio: | 30 points | |
Collins: | 22 points |
Only the best five scores could be used in 1956 and Fangio had scored in five events meaning that it was possible that he might not be able to add to his points total:
Argentina: | 5 points for a shared win and setting fastest lap |
Monaco: | 4 points for a shared second place and setting fastest lap |
France: | 4 points for fourth place and setting fastest lap |
Britain: | 8 points for the win |
Germany: | 9 points for the win and setting fastest lap |
Collins, on the other hand, had scored only four times and could add any points scored:
Monaco: | 3 points for shared second place |
Belgium: | 8 points for the win |
France: | 8 points for the win |
Britain: | 3 points for shared second place |
Lynch laid out several of the possibilities for the Monza race:
Collins wins and sets fastest lap: 9 points
If Fangio second: | Fangio 32 points, Collins 31 points | ||||
If Fangio third: | Fangio 30 points, Collins 31 points |
Collins wins: 8 points
Fangio second with fastest lap: | Fangio 33 points, Collins 30 points |
Fangio second: | Fangio 32 points, Collins 30 points |
Fangio third with fastest lap: | Fangio 31 points, Collins 30 points |
Fangio third: | Fangio 30 points, Collins 30 points |
Thus, to beat Fangio for the championship Collins had to win at Monza. A victory with the fastest lap and Fangio third or lower would edge Fangio by a single point. A victory with Fangio third or lower would result in a tie in the points, but three victories and two seconds would trump three victories, a second, and a third. The problem was that Collins never seemed to be seriously vying for the victory at Monza.
When Collins pitted and handed his car over to Fangio, that was his second pit stop, the first being due to tire problems after about a dozen and a half laps. The Ferrari-modified Lancia D50’s being used by Scuderia Ferrari during the 1956 season were fitted with Englebert tires, which had performed reasonably well, but were ill-suited for the combined Monza circuit, which utilized the speed circuit – the banked oval, and the road course. In addition to the tire problems, a bigger problem also lurked on the cars – the steering arms.
On the Tuesday prior to the race, Wolfgang von Trips had a crash, one attributed to a rookie driver trying too hard. Although von Trips tried to explain that to the mechanics and the team management that the steering had seemed to fail causing the crash, this was ignored. Only after the race when the car was finally examined was it realized that the steering arm had broken after all. By then, however, the race had been run and the team had suffered from a plague of broken steering arms as well as tire problems.
Although it was Fangio in the D50 of Collins narrowing the gap to Moss Maserati at the finish, that was only due to Musso having a steering arm break a handful of laps from the end and Moss losing fuel as the result of a split seam in the fuel tank of the Maserati. It should be noted that the car that Fangio started the race in, which suffered a broken arm that was then repaired, was running at the end with Castellotti at the wheel.
Even had Collins not handed over to Fangio and drove to the finish and taken second place, Fangio would still have been the world champion, but Collins would have edged Moss by a point to finish second in the championship rather than the third place he ended up earning.
So, while it was possible for Collins to have edged Fangio for the championship, the probability of that being done on race day was far less than the passing of years and the subsequent creation of the legend – myth – would lead one to believe. Anything less than a victory by Collins would leave him short of the necessary points; victory, however, even with all the problems experienced by others at the end, simply did not materialize for Collins.
- “Details of the New Motor Speedway Planned by the Hoosiers,” Motor Age, 21 January 1909, Volume XV No. 3, p. 27.
- Motor Age, 25 March 1909, Volume XV No. 12, p. 37
- Donald Davidson and Rick Shaffer, Autocourse Official History of the Indianapolis 500, Silverstone, Northants: Crash Media, 2006, p. 17.
- “Two Speedways for Motoring Purpose Now Being Built in the United States,” Motor Age, 14 July 1909, p. 18.
- “New Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Said to be the Fastest Enclosed Track in the World – Many Records to be Smashed,” The Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), 2 May 1909, p. 6.
- Russ Catlin, “The History of AAA National Championship Racing: Chapter 7, Cooper Takes His Second Crown,” Speed Age, June 1955, Volume 8 No. 9, pp. 43-58.
- Ibid., pp. 50-53. These are also the same events that Phil Harms listed at the site as comprising the 1915 national championship season. The CART 1986 Media Guide (Championship Auto Racing Teams, 1986), after any explanatory information had been removed by Bob Russo from the record book section, lists the same events (p. 225) and “championship standings” (p. 215) as Catlin does, which were, in turn, echoed by Harms, and then replicated elsewhere.
- “Auto Race Record Revised to Date,” Sporting Life, 20 November 1915, Volume 66 No. 12, p. 19.
- Jerome T. Shaw, “The Racing Champions of 1915,” The Horseless Age, 15 October 1915, Volume XXXVI No, 10, pp. 354-358. This compilation is also mentioned in: “Cooper Best Auto Driver,” The New York Times, 12 December 1915; “Cooper and Stutz are the Champions,” Boston Daily Globe, 24 October 1915, p. 42; “Earl Cooper Champion Driver; Eddie Pullen Is Ranked 10th; Stutz Leads,” Trenton Evening Times, 23 October 1915, p. 11.
- Shaw, “Racing Champions,” p. 358.
- Shaw, “Racing Champions,” p. 355.
- Shaw, “Racing Champions,” p. 354.
- “Who Is Champion Speedway Driver?” The Syracuse Herald, 19 December 1915, p. 16.
- C.G. Sinsabaugh, “Road Honors to Cooper and Stutz,” Motor, November 1915, pp. 48-49, 102.
- W. Harvey Traband, Jr. and T.B. Shoemaker, 1916 Automobile Contests Including All Official Records, New York: Contest Board of the American Automobile Association, January 1917, p. 49.
- Randal Hall, “Before NASCAR: The Corporate and Civic Promotion of Automobile Racing in the American South, 1903-1927,” The Journal of Southern History, Volume LXVIII No. 3, August 2002, p. 637.
- “Motor Races in Savannah,” The New York Times, 9 March 1902; “Raineys of New-York Win Their Own Prize,” New-York Daily Tribune, 9 March 1902, p. 10. There is some confusion as to whether it is “Raney” or “Rainey” these being the names used by the Times and the Tribune, respectively.
- Michael T. Lynch, “Peter Collins and the Myth of Monza!”, Cavallino, Issue No. 064, August/September 1991, pp. 32-35.