Our legal & copyright notice
8W is a non-money enterprise run solely by motor racing history enthusiasts. The content (words, images, otherwise) that is appearing on the website was submitted by amateur contributors. Neither 8W, nor FORIX, nor autosport.com will be held responsible for the content of any article submitted. Copyright for the texts remains with the authors.
Most pictures that appear in our webspace are either from our own archives or were kindly provided by others or mirrored from other sites of which an extended existence was doubtful. The pictures usually come from old magazines and books and originate from various photographic archives. Many original sources have become unknown over time. 8W acknowledges that these pictures are protected by copyright laws and warns others against any (commercial) reproduction without the written permission of the copyright owner(s). 8W reproduces these pictures in a fair-use context, i.e. in small size and low resolution and without the purpose of commercial profit or gain. We will be glad if copyright holders come forward to identify their ownership. You can contact us with your copyright queries through the e-mail address in the page header.
As far as the text content is concerned: any form of reproduction, in whole or in part, of text, photography (in case the photos were taken by ourselves or our contributors), and illustrations, for private or research purposes is generally permitted as long as 8W is credited as the source, for business purposes or a simple copy elsewhere on the Web definitely not.
Translations to other languages are a special case. We will generally endorse these translations as long as the original author is mentioned and as long as 8W (with a link to the main page) is credited as the source, i.e. 'By [name author], translated with permission from 8W', followed by a link to the original page. Thank you very much for your fairness!