Rear View Mirror
Volume 8, No.1
- Don Capps
- June 1, 2010
- RVM Vol 8, No 1 (PDF format, 563k)

“Pity the poor Historian!” – Denis Jenkinson | Research is endlessly seductive, writing is hard work. – Barbara Tuchman
Rules of the Game / La Règle du jeu, I
The 1912 Grand Prix l’Automobile Club de France
Here is the English translation of the regulations for the 1912 edition of the Grand Prix l’Automobile Club de France as provided by the Commission Sportive of the ACF.1
Official Regulations for the Grand Prix of the Automobile Club de France, June, 1912, and for the Coupe de l'Auto.
1 — The Automobile Club de France organizes for 1912 an international race reserved' for constructors defined under section 4 and entitled the Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France.
2 — In this trial shall be incorporated the "Coupe de L'Auto" for the vehicles conforming to the formula for the "Course de Voitures Legeres, 1911," as given in section 13. These vehicles shall at the same time participate in the general classification.
3 — A prize of 20,000 francs shall be awarded to the constructor of the vehicle arriving first under the general classification. A prize of 10,000 francs shall be awarded to the constructor who has the team securing the best position with a minimum of three vehicles finishing.
4 — As constructor is considered one who has manufactured both the motor and the transmission.
5 — The race will take place during the second half of June and will comprise two consecutive days at the rate of 800 to 1000 kilometers per day. The date and place will be decided later.
6 — Entries: Each constructor has the right to enter 4 vehicles with the option of taking part at once in both trials, it being understood, however, that the total cannot exceed four.
7 — Constructors employing motors or mechanisms built under the same license, or under a title into which the same name enters, cannot together engage more than four vehicles.
This rule applies without regard to nationality and whether the license is granted by a foreign constructor or vice versa.
In case of disagreement among firms manufacturing vehicles under the same license, the Sport Commission will decide the number of vehicles to which each firm shall be entitled, basing its decision on the importance of each firm as evidenced by the number of vehicles it has delivered to the public during the past three years; and, whatever the number of constructors involved, no exception will be made from the second paragraph of this section.
8 — Entrance fees are: Fifteen hundred francs for one vehicle, 2,750 francs for two, 3,750 francs for three, and 4,500 francs for four. The nominations must be submitted at the office of the Sport Commission of the Automobile Club de France at No. 8 Place de" la Concorde, and the list will be closed on December 30, 1911, at 6 o'clock evening. The entries will not be definitely accepted unless at that time the number of vehicles nominated reaches a minimum of thirty. If this quorum were reached December 30, entries at double fees could be validly submitted to the Sport Committee until March 1, 1912, at 6 o'clock evening.
9 — The entrance fees cannot in any case be refunded and will remain as acquired for the race fund, excepting the case provided for in the third clause of the preceding section.
10 — Entries will be recognized as valid only if accompanied by the fees as provided in section 8 and contingently upon acceptation by the Sport Committee.
11 — If the number of entries should be judged too great, for reasons of safety, the Sport Committee reserves the right to reduce it, by selection, drawing lots, eliminatory trial or any other means at its option.
12 — GENERAL CONDITIONS: The Grand Prix is open to all vehicles without other limitations than those resulting from the provisos of section 18.
13 — The vehicles taking part in the "Coupe de L'Auto" must satisfy the following conditions:
(1) Must be equipped with a motor of at least four cylinders, whose total cylinder volume does not exceed three litres, and in which the ratio of stroke to bore cannot be higher than two or smaller than one. The constructor must thus keep within these limits, no tolerance being allowed.
(2) Must weigh at least 800 kilograms. This minimum weight is to be understood as follows: The weight of the vehicle with two-seated body, without water, oil, gasoline (essence), tools, spare parts. (Emptying of the crankcase and gear cases will not be required.)
14 — The Sport Committee reserves the right, at the beginning of the race, to take all necessary measures for the verification of the sealing of pieces done by it.
15 — All attempt at fraud on the part of a contestant will involve the exclusion from the race of the vehicle, and may, according to the circumstances, involve the disqualification of the driver, his mechanic, of the constructor interested and of other vehicles entered by the latter. The constructor will have to pay a fine of 10,000 francs, and the Sport Committee will decide the duration of the disqualifications incurred.
16 — All vehicles will carry, obligatorily and as a maximum, two occupants side by side, of a mean minimum weight of 60 kilograms for each, it being understood that where this mean weight is not reached the surplus must be supplemented by ballast.
17 — The contestants will not be permitted to take part, unless on the day of weighing-in they are provided with the document issued by the Ingenieur des Mines, attesting that the vehicles entered by them satisfy the legal requirements.
18 — All vehicles entered must have:
(1) A reverse gear actuated by the motor.
(2) An exhaust pointing horizontally rearward and sufficiently high to avoid stirring up dust.
(3) No vehicle broader than 1.75 meter can take part in the race.
19 — The vehicles taking part in the race must, according to the nationality which they represent, be painted in the following colors: Germany, white; America, white and blue; England, green; Belgium, yellow; Spain, yellow and red; France, blue; Italy, red; Switzerland, red and white.
20 — Weighing-in.—A regulation concerning especially the operations of weighing-in will be published later. Its provisions will be made known betimes to those interested.
21 — Repairs and replenishments.—Repairs and in general every other operation must be made exclusively by the crew of the vehicle.
Use of the removable or dismountable rim and of the dismountable wheel is permitted.
Replenishments—oil, fuel, pneumatic tires and spare parts—can be taken on board only at one or two places of the course, designated in advance, and every infraction of this rule will involve the exclusion of the vehicle from the race.
The exclusion from the race will also be applied to every vehicle departing voluntarily from the course.
Each firm will have the right to a section, drawn by lot, at the replenishment station or stations.
22 — Firms which are not competing, but, nevertheless, interested in the race and desirous of occupying a section at the replenishment stations must pay a fee of 1,000 francs.
Requests for these sections must be accompanied by the fee mentioned and will be received by the Sport Committee of the Automobile Club de France until December 30, 1911, 6 o'clock evening. Such requests at double fee will be received until March 1, 1912, 6 o'clock evening.
23 — Drivers.—The drivers and mechanics of each vehicle may be changed during the race, but only at the end of each lap and under the surveillance of a commissary.
The reserve drivers must be designated before the race to the Sport Committee.
The mechanic may replace the driver at any spot of the course, but only in case of duress (fatigue, accident, etc.).
24 — The Sport Committee reserves the right to exclude any driver for reasons bearing upon the security of the public or of other contestants.
As soon as the constructors shall have engaged drivers for their vehicles it shall be their duty to make them known to the Sport Committee by registered letter, accompanied with an agreement of the following form:
Between the undersigned, Mr. X, constructor of automobiles, and Mr. Y it has been agreed as follows:
Mr. Y agrees to drive in the Grand Prix of the Automobile Club de France in 1912 a vehicle of the make X.
Mr. X, constructor of automobiles, binds himself to furnish, for this race, to Mr. Y a vehicle of the make X.
Signed X and Y.
By this arrangement, the driver will not be able to drive a vehicle of another make, unless the two parties agree to rescind their contract, and, in that case, the Sport Committee must be kept advised of the change.
25 — The driver and mechanic of each vehicle entered must possess certificates of competence to drive automobiles.
26 — Starts.—The order of starting in the race shall be decided by drawing lots.
The hour for starting the first vehicle on the first day and the intervals between starts will be determined later.
On the second day, the vehicles shall start in the order of their arrival and with intervals to be decided upon later.
The time for closing the race (on the first and second days) will be decided by prefectorial decree.
Under all circumstances the commissaries of the race shall have the right to stop the vehicles before the hour fixed.
27 — Parking.—Every vehicle having finished the course of the first day within the prescribed time limits will be placed immediately thereafter under the orders of a commissary charged with watching it and conducting it in the park.
After the motor is stopped, the driver is permitted only to close the fuel and oil valves, if need be, and the vehicle will be parked by hand power.
Each vehicle will be placed in a separate compartment and nobody will be permitted to approach it before the hour for starting on the following day.
On the morning of the second day, the vehicles will be placed in the hands of their respective crews at the moment of departure for each of them.
No operation bearing upon the start of the motor, on replenishment of supplies, on repairs, etc., can take place till after the signal for starting shall have been given, and the time used for this purpose shall be counted as running time.
28 — Protests.—Every protest must be made in writing and placed in the hands of one of the commissaries of the race during the hour following the closing of the control stations.
Every protest, in order to receive consideration, must be accompanied by the sum of 100 francs, which will not be refunded to the claimant unless his protest is recognized as well founded.
29 — The contestants agree, in case of dispute, to recognize only the jurisdiction of the Sport Committee and in no case to have recourse to the courts.
30 — Responsibilities.—Civil and criminal responsibilities of all sorts are borne by the contestants to whom they relate.
31 — Insurance.—It shall be the duty of all constructors engaged in the race to provide for insurance against accidents of all sorts to third parties, which may be caused during the race, and also against fire, covering direct damages as well as all recourse action relating to merchandise, fuel and material deposited at their replenishment section.
To this end, it shall be the duty of constructors to mail to the Sport Committee by registered letter and one month in advance of the date of the contest, duplicate of the policies which they have signed.
On the day of the race the Sport Committee would refuse to start any contestant having failed to comply with this requirement.
32 — Application of the Rules.—By the fact of his entry, the contestant agrees to conform to the provisions of these regulations and the decisions of the Sport Committee.
33 — All points not provided for in the present regulations will be decided according to the general racing regulations of the Automobile Club de France.
34 — The Sport Committee of the Automobile Club de France remains sovereign judge of the application of the present regulations and reserves the right to modify them as event may dictate.
And, Now, For Something (A Bit) Different... I
Here, reproduced as it originally appeared, is a report on the 1903 running of the International Cup (Coupe Internationale) – better known as the “Gordon Bennett Cup”.2
(Club Secretary, Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland)
ACCORDING to the rules of the Gordon-Bennett Cup, the race
must take place in the country of the club holding the trophy,
or in France if a suitable course be not available. As the
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, represented by
Mr. S. F. Edge on a Napier car, won the Cup in 1902, it
became necessary that the race for 1903 should be held either
in the British Isles or in France. After considering many
suggestions, it was decided to hold the race in Ireland, provided
the necessary authorisation to do so could be obtained from
The Club contemplated organising an automobile tour through Ireland after the race, and particulars of the proposed course and of the subsequent tour were sent to a large number of influential persons and to some six hundred newspapers. The draft proposals were also laid before lieutenants of the Irish Counties, the County Councils, Borough Councils, Urban District Councils, Town Commissioners, &c. The attention of hotel proprietors and of the various railway and steamship companies was drawn to the great advantages which would accrue to Irish trade if the Gordon-Bennett race could be held in that country. Numerous favourable replies were received to these communications and also promises of support. Resolutions in favour of holding the race were passed by the County Councils throughout Ireland, and later a monster petition was signed by all classes and presented to Parliament in favour of a special Bill being passed to empower the Irish authorities to close the public roads over which it was proposed to run the race. On February 24 the first reading of the Bill was moved by Mr. John Scott Montagu in the House of Commons, and with the exception of a trivial hitch it went through all stages very rapidly. In the House of Lords the Bill was entrusted to Lord Londonderry, and it was passed by the Upper House also without delay. The route chosen for the race passed through the counties of Kildare, Queens, and Carlow. The complete circuit measured 103 miles, and roughly speaking, it ran in the shape of the figure 8. To provide for the public safety was a matter of grave consideration, the importance of which was brought vividly forward by the ghastly failure of the Paris-Madrid automobile race during May. After conferring with the Committee of the Club the Local Government Board of Ireland issued a set of very complete regulations. In order that the public might be fully warned of the dangerous consequences of encroaching upon the road during the race, notices were posted in conspicuous positions all along the route and in the adjoining market towns. The local inhabitants were also circularised and requested to co-operate with the organisers of the event in guarding against accidents. To ensure safety to the spectators as well as to the drivers over such a long course, a large force of police under the command of the inspector-general of the Royal Irish Constabulary, Colonel Sir Neville Chamberlain, K.C.B., were present, and some two thousand soldiers forming the camp at the Curragh were on duty. under the command of Major. General Sir G. de C. Morton, K.C.I.E., C.V.O., C.B. Many willing volunteers, members of the Club and others, gave their services as road stewards and performed invaluable services in the 'controls' and at various other points of the route. A large number of motor cyclists also rendered assistance as despatch-riders; they were divided into separate corps under C captains,' and were stationed at all important points. Their duties were often laborious, for in conveying their despatches they had to traverse bye-roads with which many of them were quite unacquainted. Wire fences were erected across all roads converging upon the course (numbering about 270), in order that no stray cattle or horses could by any possible chance wander into the highway and so endanger the life of the competitors. '\There possible, motor-cars belonging to members of the Club were also drawn up across the converging roads as an additional precaution. The four competing Clubs were represented as follows: The A.C. G.B. & I.: Three Napier cars, driven by Messrs. S. F. Edge, Charles Jarrott, and J. W. Stocks. The A.C. of France: Two Panhards and one Mors car, driven respectively by the Chevalier Rene de Knyff, Henri Farman, and Gabriel. The A.C. of America: Two Winton and one Peerless cars, driven by Messrs. Alexander Winton, Percy Owen, and L. P. Mooers. The A.C. of Germany: Three Mercedes cars, driven by Baron de Caters, Mr. Foxhall Keene, and Mr. Camille Jenatzy. On the day before the race, namely July 1, the twelve competing cars were inspected and weighed at the town of Naas, the county town of Kildare. Several of the cars were found to be over the weight limit of 1,000 kilograms (or just under one ton), and these had to be stripped of everything not absolutely essential, in order to bring them within the regulation. It was a curious sight to see to what straits some of the competitors were brought in endeavouring to reduce the weight of their vehicles, every minute particle of unnecessary material being removed in the process. The race was run on July 2, 1903, and thanks to the Local Government Board's regulations, the roads were, on that day, to all intents and purposes the private property of the A.C.G.B. & I. The order of starting had been arranged as follows:
Before the race started, two pilot cars were sent round the course as a warning that the racers would follow shortly, but by a mistake they both followed the western circuit and thus the eastern circuit did not know that the race had begun until the actual competitors appeared. Mr. S. F. Edge was started off at 7 A.M., and the others followed at intervals of seven minutes. In order that very high rates of speed should be avoided in populous places where danger might be expected, nine 'controls J were established on the course. Upon reaching a control each car had to stop and proceed over a measured portion of the road at a low speed, an allowance being made in the final reckoning for the time thus lost. The eventual result of the race is given on page 433. It will be noticed that in the first time round, the Napier car covered the eastern, or shorter, circuit in the fastest time, and that the Mors car covered the western, or longer, circuit in the first round in less time than any of the other vehicles; but the great consistency with which the winning car accomplished the circle of the western circuit is also worthy of note. Mr. Winton, who started eleventh, was in trouble at once, through the choking of the spray tube of his carburetter, and was delayed for about an hour at the starting-point. The English competitors were remarkably unfortunate. Stocks on his first round over the eastern circuit met with an accident through mistaking the road, his car ran into one of the wire fences previously mentioned which became so entangled with the vehicle that it was too damaged to continue, and thus Stocks was early out of the race. Jarrott unluckily came to grief through his steering-gear snapping and causing the car to turn over, but fortunately he escaped serious injury. When this mishap took place, wild rumours spread around the course to the effect that a terrible smash-up had occurred, It was at this point that Baron de Caters behaved in such a chivalrous manner. Knowing that the spectators on the Club grand stand would be feeling anxious about Jarrott, he actually stopped his car to state that although the vehicle was smashed the driver was not seriously injured. When one considers the keen excitement of the race and realises the importance of every second lost, the sportsmanlike action of Baron de Caters can be appreciated. These unfortunate accidents left England with only one representative at a comparatively early stage. Edge was, however, also in difficulties, as will be seen by reference to the times of the several cars quoted above, the chief trouble apparently being the difficulty of keeping the tyres on the back wheels of the car, owing to the enormous power developed and the high speed at which it travelled. Later, a Mercedes car, driven by Mr. Foxhall Keene, had to retire on account of the rear axle breaking, and for a similar cause the car driven by Baron de Caters had subsequently to be withdrawn. The American cars made a very poor show, and went out one by one at various stages. It is safe to say that the industry is in its infancy in the United States, at all events as far as racing machines are concerned. As a result of the race the competitors must have realised that a car, the highest speed of which is fifty miles per hour on the level, is of no use for the purpose of a long road race; for it is obvious that a much higher speed is necessary in order even to remain 'in the running.' One of the strongest points in connection with the Mercedes cars which told so much in their favour was the ease with which they could be started, and the smooth manner in which the gears worked. The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, the Earl of Dudley, took considerable interest in the arrangements for the race, and did a great deal towards the successful carrying out of the proposal for it to be run in Ireland; and there can be no doubt that it did much good for the country, for many thousand pounds were spent there which otherwise would probably have been spent in France. |

And, Now, For Something (A Bit) Different... II
The Checkered Flag, 19063

This was a delightful and completely unexpected find, one which I felt deserved to be included for no other reason than it shows the checkered flag being used for its original purpose.
Rules of the Game / La Règle du jeu, Part II
The Racing Rules of the American Automobile Association, 19034
The American Automobile Association (A.A.A.) was organized in March 1902, with its Racing Committee being appointed shortly after that. Although I am still searching for the original 1902 racing rules of that organization, here are the “new” racing rules introduced for the 1903 season.
1. Any person, association or club (hereafter referred to as the promoter) desiring to hold a race or races under the rules of the American Automobile Association shall first obtain a sanction from the chairman of the racing board. No announcement of such race or races shall be made until such sanction shall have been obtained. Infraction of this rule shall perpetually disbar the offending promoter from obtaining a sanction from the racing board.
2. The application for such sanction shall be made to the secretary of the racing board, and shall be accompanied by a fee of $50 for non-members of the American Automobile Association, or $10 for members, and shall set forth the name and address of the promoter, a schedule of the events and distances, the number and value of the prizes, the amount of the entry fees and details of the course. If the event is to run on the road the board may require evidence of the permission of the proper legal authorities. The racing board may refuse a sanction without assigning a reason for such refusal.
3. After a sanction shall have been granted no change shall be made in any of the details required to be set forth in the application for the same.
4. No sanction shall be granted to a promoter who shall have previously transgressed the racing rules of the American Automobile Association or permitted another to transgress them at a meeting under his management.
Entry Blanks
5. On receipt of a sanction the promoter shall prepare an entry blank, which shall show the details set forth in Rule 2: the date of the closing of entries; the address to which entries must be sent; and which shall require the entrant to supply the name of the operator, the machine he will drive, the name of the maker, the motive power, the weight, supplies included; the number of cylinders, the rated horse power, and the date of mailing the entry. It shall bear upon its face the words, “ Under the rules, and with the sanction of the racing board of the American Automobile Association.” A copy of the entry blank shall, immediately upon its issue, be forwarded to the chairman of the racing board. A copy of these rules shall be sent by the promoter to every entrant.
6. The acceptance of the entries shall be limited to those persons who have not, since January 1, 1903, taken part in any automobile race or hill climbing test not sanctioned by the racing board of the American Automobile Association; and who have never knowingly competed with a person not eligible under the rules of the racing board; who agree, by their signatures to the entry blank, to recognize the jurisdiction of the racing board of the American Automobile Association in racing matters; and who have not been debarred from competition in events over which the American Automobile Association or the governing bodies of other nations have jurisdiction. The act of competing at an unsanctioned event, shall disqualify without further action of the racing board, and such disqualification shall remain in effect until removed by formal action of the racing board.
7. An entry shall consist of a combination of operator and car, the latter being described at the time of the entry. No change of car shall be permitted after an entry has been filed, nor of operator without the consent of the referee.
8. No entry shall be accepted after midnight of the day set for the closing of the entries; no entry shall be accepted unless accompanied by the entry fee and all the details required to be set forth in the entry blank. The acceptance of an entry under other conditions shall be sufficient reason for the refusal of a subsequent sanction to the offending promoter.
9. An entry under an assumed name or failure to supply correct information in an entry blank shall result in disqualification.
10. A person who enters and once fails to start may, after having been warned by the racing board for a subsequent offense, be suspended for any term not exceeding three months, and in the event of repetition of the offense be suspended for the rest of the season.
11. Competitors shall be responsible for all damages – civil or criminal.
12. Motor cars shall be classified as follows:
(1) All weights and motive powers, no restriction as to operators.
(2) All weights, supplies included, under 1,200 pounds, all motive powers, no restrictions as to operators.
(1) All weights, steam, gasoline, electricity, other motive powers.
(2) All weights, supplies included, under 1,800 pounds, steam, gasoline, electricity, other motive powers.
(3) All weights, supplies included, under 1,200 pounds, steam, gasoline, electricity, other motive powers.
(4) All weights, supplies included, under 800 pounds, steam, gasoline, electricity, other motive powers.
13. To be eligible for competition in Class B, except mile straightaways, cars must be equipped with double acting brakes, compensating and reversing devices, body and hood sufficient to cover mechanism and provide accommodation for one person alongside the operator.
14. In all events under Class B, cars may be classified as to motive powers (steam, gasoline, electricity) as well as to weights.
15. An automobile, motor car or car within the meaning of these rules, is a four wheeled track or road vehicle propelled by self contained mechanical means.
16. The principal officer at a meeting shall be the referee, whose duty it shall be to exercise general supervision over the affairs of the meeting and act as the representative of the racing board. He shall, if necessary, assign the judges, timers, umpires, clerk of the course and start to their respective positions and instruct them as to the rules. He shall receive all protests and render decisions thereon, subject to appeal to the racing board. It shall be his duty to enforce the rules and make a full report to the chairman of the racing board of transgressions thereof either by promoters, contestants or officials.
17. There shall be three judges whose position shall be on or at the edge of the track, two at one end and one at the opposite end of the tape. The numbers of the placed cars shall be taken, one each by the three judges respectively. The decision of the judges as to the order of finishing shall be final. The judging of the cars shall be determined by the instant of contact of the tires of the front wheels with the tape.
18. There shall be three timekeepers whose sole duty it shall be to accurately calculate, report and record the elapsed time of placed contestants. In the event of disagreement of the watches, two agreeing, their time shall be official. Shall all the watches disagree, the middle time shall be official. In a time handicap the time shall be taken from the start of the scratch contestant.
19. There shall be a clerk of the course, with as many assistants as may be necessary. It shall be his duty to notify competitors, in due time, of the events in which they are entered; see to the arrival of the competitors at the starting point on time and to place them in their respective positions.
20. It shall be the duty of the starter, after he has been advised by the clerk of the course that the contestants are ready, to ascertain that the timers are ready, and then give the signal to start by firing a pistol. He shall have absolute control of the competitors from the time they are reported by the clerk of the course until the start has taken place. In the event of a flying start, the starter alone shall have power to decide what is a fair start, and may use a flag instead of a pistol as a signal to the contestants to start, having previously warned the timers of his intention to do so.
21. There shall be two of more umpires, whose duty shall be to take positions assigned to them by the referee, to note carefully the progress of the race and be prepared to report upon claims of unfair driving by contestants.
22. No persons other than the officials, contestants and one assistant for each contestant shall be allowed upon the track. Contestants and attendants must leave the track as soon as the event in which they are engaged has ended. The stands are for the use of the referee and timers. No other persons shall be permitted therein.
23. The program shall bear upon its face the words: "Under the rules and with the sanction of the racing board of the American Automobile Association" and shall set forth the distance of each race; description of prizes and their value; a copy of the rule relative to the classification of automobiles for racing; the manner of starting; a list of the names of the officials strictly in accordance with the rules relating to same; and a list of the entrants and their numbers.
The Start
24. In the event of a match race the position of the contestants at the start shall be decided by lot. In open events the positions shall be allotted on the program, the lowest number taking the inside with at least 4 feet intervening between hubs. Entries shall be numbered by the promoter in the order of their receipt. A contestant who fails to respond promptly to the call of the clerk of the course shall forfeit his right to his position and shall take the outside. There shall be no delay at the start on account of absentees and no contestant shall be permitted to take a place in the line after contestants have been reported to the starter by the clerk of the course.
25. The start shall be determined by the instant of contact of the tires of the front wheels with a tape laid across the track.
26. Starts may be either standing or flying. Due notice of the method must be given on the program, but in the event of failure to state the method a standing start shall prevail.
27. All track races shall be run with the left hand of the operator toward the rail.
28. The referee shall have absolute power to prohibit any car which he considers unsafe, unsuitable or of improper construction to start in any event.
29. The referee may, in case there are a larger number of entries than can be safely started in one race, divide the contestants into two or more heats of as nearly equal numbers as possible and a final.
30. A competitor may, if he elects, carry one assistant as a passenger. After having been passed by the clerk of the course no car shall receive attention at the hands of any person other than the competitor and his assistant.
Track Rules
31. It shall be the duty of the operator of the leading car to hold the inside as nearly as may be practicable. One contestant overtaking and passing another, must pass on the outside unless the car in front shall be so far from the inside as to render it safe to pass on the inside. After having passed to the front a competitor shall not take the inside, or cross in front of the competitor passed, unless a lead of a full length has been established, under penalty of disqualification.
32. Intentional foul driving shall be punished by disqualification for all subsequent events at the meeting, as well as the event in which the foul practice occurs, and may be punished by the racing board by suspension not exceeding six months for the first offense and permanent suspension for a second offense.
33. In road racing the rules of the road, which require a car to keep to the right when overtaken, shall be observed and a competitor when overtaken must allow as much room as the road permits to his competitor in which to pass.
34. A competitor who leaves the track or road, for any cause, must, if he desires to continue the race, start from the point at which he withdrew. A competitor who leaves the track or road, or is unable to continue, in a race run in heats, shall not be allowed to compete in a subsequent heat of the same race.
35. The promoter or the referee may, if they consider it advisable, require a contestant to demonstrate his ability to properly handle the car he proposes to drive.
36. No sign or advertisement of any description other than official designation shall be displayed on a car in any race, whether on road or track.
37. In road or track races the overtaking car must give proper signal by bell or horn.
Record and Time Trials
38. No time shall be accepted as an official record unless taken by at least three timers, and no private trial shall be recognized unless the timers shall have been approved in advance by the racing board.
39. Claims for records must be accompanied by a surveyor's certificate as to the correctness of the distance measured, if on the track, three feet from the pole, and if on the road, at its centre, together with evidence that the course is level.
40. The fact that a contestant attempts to lower the record for a given distance and fails shall not prevent the acceptance of records at intermediate distances, either standing or flying start, properly attested by the timers.
41. In case of a dead heat the event shall be run again, unless the contestants agree, between themselves, as to the disposition of the prizes.
42. In the event of a walkover it shall be optional with the referee whether the contestant shall be required to go the whole or part of the distance. The referee may impose a reasonable time limit.
43. Protests of every kind must be made to the referee within twenty-four hours of the finish of a race. The complainant must deposit with the referee a fee of $10, which shall be forfeited to the promoter if the protest is not sustained. A protest may be lodged only by a contestant, and once lodged can only be withdrawn by consent of the racing board.
44. In the event of a protest relative to classification of a car, or other matter which shall affect the right of a car to start, the referee may, unless able to render an immediate decision, allow the car to start and render his decision as soon after the event as may be possible.
45. The making or laying of bets shall not be recognized.
46. The racing board reserves the right to veto the appointment of any official; to select the timers in private record trials; to assign dates; to inquire into and deal with all matters relating to racing, subject to the rules; to disqualify, either temporarily or permanently, persons guilty of infraction of the rules; to determine who are and who are not eligible to compete; to interpret these rules and to decide any point not covered herein as it may consider advisable.
47. These rules may be amended by the board of directors of the American Automobile Association.
Rules of the Game / La Règle du jeu, Part III
Paris – Madrid, 1903
Here is an English translation of a summary of the rules for Paris – Madrid race of 1903.5
The rules for the racing section of the Paris-Madrid "course" have recently been issued by the sport commission of the Automobile Club of France, and a translation is given in the following: This race will be held under the general racing rules of the Automobile Club of France, which have been accepted by the Royal Automobile Club of Spain.
This race is international and is open to the following four classes:
Class 1, vehicles weighing between 650 and 1,000 kilograms.
Class 2, vehicles weighing between 400 and 650 kilograms.
Class 3, vehicles weighing between 250 and 400 kilograms.
Class 4, vehicles weighing 50 kilograms and less.
Vehicles in the first two classes will carry at least two passengers side by side, of a minimum weight of 60 kilograms (132 pounds) per passenger, it being understood that in case the weight of one of the passengers is less than 60 kilograms the difference is to be made up by ballast.
The weight of the vehicles of the different classes is always taken empty. By "empty" is understood without passengers, without supplies (coke, water, gasoline, accumulators), and without tools, spare parts, baggage, clothing and provisions.
Vehicles which are provided, for ignition purposes, with a generator of electricity driven by the motor are allowed an excess of weight of 7 kilograms. The weight of lamps, lamp brackets and of horns is not comprised in the weight of the vehicle.
Vehicles of the two first classes must have aboard for the whole duration of the race a member of the Automobile Club of France, of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain or of a club recognized by these. This person will be responsible for all deviations from the rules.
The first day the vehicles will be started in the order of entry number, at two minute intervals. The second day the vehicles will start in the order of arrival on the evening before, at two minute intervals. At the end of the second stage a provisional classification will be made, giving the five first vehicles since the start from Paris. The last start will be made under the following conditions:
For the five first vehicles the intervals will be those given by the provisional classification, with a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of fifteen minutes. The rest of the vehicles will be started in the order of their arrival the previous night, at two minute intervals.
At the end of each stage the commissioners and the timekeeper will make out a list of the starters for the following morning, as the vehicles arrive one after another. This list will be posted at the gate of the control park, so that the contestants may become acquainted with it at the earliest possible moment. The international commission will at a later date fix the hour of start for the first vehicle in each stage. The end control of each stage will be closed the day after the start at 3 o'clock a. m. Vehicles arriving after that hour will be neither controlled nor classified. The commissioners and official timekeepers must insure permanent attendance of the employees at the end controls of each stage and also the supervising officials at the parks, which are referred to below.
The distance between the parks and the cities will be neutralized (if this be necessary) in the same manner as the course through the cities, and in covering this part of the route the contestants must comply with Article 6 relating to neutralized sections. The control keepers must make out a report of arrivals and starts, stating the exact time of arrival and start of the vehicles. They will retain one copy of this report themselves and send within twenty-four hours one copy to the secretary of the sport commission of the Automobile Club of France, 6 Place de la Concorde, Paris, and one copy to the secretary of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain, Madrid, 1 Calle del Duque de Rivas.
The race will take place under the rule of absolutely closed parks. This is meant by the commission as follows:
At its arrival at a park each vehicle will proceed to the place which is assigned to it by the commissioners. The occupants of the vehicle will immediately descend from the vehicle, stop the motor and leave the park, without performing any other operation whatsoever. Hence the only operation permitted in the parks in the case of a gasoline motor is the stopping of the motor by interrupting the ignition or by extinguishing the burners. The operation known as purging the cylinders, consisting in injecting a little kerosene into the cylinders of the motor while it is still warm, is permitted.
In the case of a steam vehicle the only operations permitted are extinction of the burner and blowing off of the boiler.
With the exceptions of the operations above mentioned (the duration of which must in no case exceed one or two minutes) all work, all lubrication, all replenishment — in one word, every sort of operation — are vigorously prohibited. The following morning the occupants of each vehicle will be admitted to the park at the official starting time for that vehicle, and the running time of the vehicle will be counted from that moment. The occupants must get their vehicle in operation and leave the park without any other operations. In case a vehicle is incapable of starting at the end of two or three minutes at the maximum, the commissioners must have it pushed out of the park by hand. It is well understood, however, that the running time counts from the moment the occupants entered the park.
The time occupied by replenishment of supplies, lubrication and operations of any other nature whatever will count as running time. It is prohibited to perform these operations within the parks. Entry to the parks is strictly prohibited to all persons, except, first, the general and local commissioners; second, the occupants only of each vehicle (the force which each manufacturer may have on the road to aid the occupants of the vehicle in their repairs and replenishment of supplies must remain outside the park, as none of these operations are permitted within the park); third, a certain number of men appointed by local commissioners, who, in case of necessity and upon the order of the commissioner charged with the supervision of the park, must push out of the park by hand any vehicle incapable of starting under its own power.
The general commissioners must wear a red arm band, the local commissioners a blue arm band with red border, the control keepers a blue arm band, and the force appointed by the local commissioners for service at the parks a yellow arm band. The permanent presence of a commissioner at the park is absolutely indispensable.
A certain number of localities requiring the contestants to pass at a very reduced pace, the following arrangements have been adopted to insure this reduction of speed and to make it equal for all: At the beginning and end of each neutralized section will be established a control, where the contestants must stop. Every contestant who has passed a control without stopping the time required by the organizers of the race will be penalized a number of minutes equal to the total time of neutralization, provided he can prove that the control keepers were not yet or no longer at their post. In case he is not able to furnish such proof, he will be penalized three times the number of minutes of the total time of neutralization for that control. He may even be disqualified if the commissioners are of the opinion that the control was ignored intentionally.
The distance from the park to the end control or to the end of the city will be neutralized, if necessary, in the same manner as the course through the cities.
To facilitate rapid control of time in the race the following arrangements have been adopted: Each vehicle will be provided with a box of uniform model for carrying the time cards (fiches) for the control. These boxes will be furnished to each contestant by the Automobile Club of France against the deposit of a sum of 10 francs at the weighing of the vehicle. This sum will be returned to those who, within a period of fifteen days after the race, have returned these boxes in good condition to the Automobile Club of France. At his arrival at the control where a neutralized section begins the contestant stops, and the control keeper writes upon a card the time of his arrival, and opposite this the time at which he should start from the control at the end of the neutralized section. This card will be handed to the pilot referred to hereinafter, or otherwise to the operator of the vehicle, who carries it himself to the control at the end of the neutralized section. The control keeper also inscribes upon his control record the time of arrival of the vehicle.
As soon as the time card has been made out (and the commissioner must complete this formality with the greatest possible dispatch) the contestant continues his trip by following the pilot at a distance of 20 to 30 metres, which he must not overtake under any pretext, He will thus arrive at the control at the end of the neutralized section and will there stop. The control keeper inscribes upon his own record sheet the time of start and puts the card handed him by the pilot into the box of the vehicle a few moments before the start. In case a contestant finds himself behind his schedule time at the end control of a neutralized section, he must still stop to have his card put into the card box by the control keeper. In that case the control keeper, before placing the card in the box, writes upon his record sheet the normal time of start, which has been inscribed uponthe card at the entrance to the neutralized section.
The pilots must run through the section a number of times previous to the race in order to be able to well regulate their pace, so that a contestant may not have to wait more than two or three minutes at the end control of a section; but they must never lose sight of the fact that their presence ahead of the vehicle is intended to prevent the vehicle from traversing the section at a speed greater than allowed by the rules, and they must consequently not accelerate their pace under any pretext. The contestants, on the other hand, must conform absolutely to the pace set by the, pilot and not approach too closely, but allow him an advance of 25 or 30 metres, so that he may freely regulate his speed.
The contestants are notified that the International Commission is determined to apply the present article of the rules most vigorously and to penalize those among them who overtake or molest their pilots in any way.
If two vehicles arrive together, the pilot of the second vehicle must proceed at least 50 metres behind the first vehicle, and at the end of the section the control keeper must let the first vehicle get a start of 50 to 100 metres before starting the second.
If, during the passage of the neutralized section, the pilot is unable to continue by reason of some cause beyond his control, such as a breakdown of his bicycle, etc., he mounts, if possible, the vehicle which he ought to precede, and if that is not possible he hands the time card to the contestant, who continues at a moderate pace and himself hands the time card to the control keeper at the end of the section. The pilot himself must inform the control keeper at the end of the section as soon as possible of the incident that has occurred.
After all the contestants have passed, the two control keepers at the beginning and end of a section make out a short report, stating that everything passed off in accordance with the rules, or, in the contrary case, mentioning any infractions of the present regulations and making any observations they may consider apropos. They will without delay send by registered letter one copy of this report to the secretary of the Sport Commission of the Automobile Club of France and one copy to the secretary of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain.
The contestants will have to conform with the final decisions of the commission, which will do its best to obtain the greatest facilities for the passage of the frontier.
The vehicles must carry their entry numbers painted in a conspicuous and durable manner at each side, at the front and rear, in letters at least 25 centimetres (10 inches) in height for the vehicles, and 15 centimetres (6 inches) in height for the runabouts and cycles. They are not allowed to carry any advertising signs. The following parts will be stamped:
In the vehicles of the last three classes, the axles and hubs; in the vehicles of the first class, the motors (cases, cylinders, combustion chambers), the frame, the wheel hubs and the fear axle.
All vehicles must present themselves to have these stamps applied at the Automobile Club of France, 6 Place de la Concorde, at the date and hour which will be fixed by the commission at a later date. No vehicles will be started the parts of which have not been duly stamped. Every replacement of stamped parts is expressly prohibited, and may result in the disqualification of the vehicle. The card boxes referred to above must be placed at the right of the vehicle and solidly attached in a conspicuous and easily accessible place. The commission reserve the right to have the location changed if it appears to them ill chosen, and to have the mode of the attachment changed if it seems defective to them.
Entries are received by the Automobile Club of France and by the Royal Automobile Club of Spain, beginning January 15. All entries received by the two clubs between January 15 and February 15. to 6 o'clock p. m., will participate in an assignment of starting numbers by lot. Beginning February 16 contestants will be assigned numbers in the order of their entry. The entry fees have been fixed as follows: First class, 400 francs per vehicle; second class, 300 francs; third class, 200 francs, and fourth class, 50 francs. Entries will be received until April 15 under regular conditions, and from that date on the entry fees are double. The entry lists will be definitely closed on May 15 at 6 p.m.
Any person entering a single vehicle under his own name is not required to mention the make. Such person, to receive consideration in the final classification, must be aboard the vehicle himself for the entire time of the race. Every person entering several vehicles under the same name must at the same time state the make of the vehicles which he enters. He is required to furnish the name of the operator before 6 p. m. on May 15. Every vehicle for which the name of the driver has not been registered with the organizers of the race previous to that date loses its rights of entry and will not be given an official start.
Outside the individual classification of each vehicle it has been decided to provide for a classification by teams (equipes). To this end the manufacturers may designate four among the vehicles entered by them in any class to constitute the team of that firm. This designation of the team must be made at the latest on May 20, at 6 o'clock p. m. Each manufacturer may designate only a single team in each class. After the above date no changes will be allowed in the teams designated.
There will be a classification by teams as follows: In each class there will be a primary classification in four groups in the following order:
First group, teams of which four vehicles arrive out of four.
Second group, teams of which three vehicles arrive out of four.
Third group, teams of which two vehicles arrive out of four.
Fourth group, teams of which one vehicle arrive out of four.
In the first group the teams will be classed according to the aggregate time of the four vehicles. In each of the other groups the classification will depend upon the aggregate of the distances run, it being understood that, for the vehicles which did not complete the race, the distance they ran will be counted to the last control at which they were timed.
The commission will do its utmost to have the route well demarcated by means of triangular orange colored signs, the point of which is placed in the direction of running. However, it declines all responsibility in this matter, and the contestants should make it a personal matter to become acquainted with the route.
A yellow flag signifies an obligatory stop, and the contestants must obey it. A blue flag signifies slowing down for a dangerous passage or passage through a congestion not neutralized. Blue flags are placed 200 metres ahead of the point to which the signal refers. The yellow flags are placed at the very point where the stop should be made. The control will be indicated by a sheaf of three flags, two with the national colors, on each side, and in the middle a yellow flag, the same as at places of obligatory stops. In addition a strip of cloth bearing the word "Control" will be placed across the road at a certain height. The control keepers and timekeepers will wear a blue arm band and the pilots a yellow arm band.
When two vehicles traveling in the same direction and at different speeds get into proximity to each other, the one traveling at the slowest pace will take the right of the road, at the first request, in such manner as to leave at least one-half of the road free. The driver of this vehicle must not attempt any manoeuvres to prevent his competitor from passing him, and this under penalty of disqualification.
The vehicles must not be pushed except by their occupants. Exception to this rule is made in the two following cases: First, in leaving the parks; second, in getting out of bad places not inherent to the natural difficulties of the itinerary, such as ditches, trenches, etc. It is absolutely prohibited to direct the exhaust toward the ground, on account of the dust stirred up thereby, and because it prevents one contestant from passing another. Compliance with this rule will be ascertained at the same time the parts are stamped.
All civil and penal responsibilities rest upon the contestants, upon whom they are incumbent. The drivers must be provided with the documents required by the authorities of the countries traversed. The commission will do its utmost to secure for them every facility in this respect, and will inform them at a later date of the special arrangements which it has been able to secure.
A copy of the present rules will be furnished to each of the contestants, who will be required to receipt for same. The contestants in signing the entry agree to conform to the present regulations and to the decisions of the commission.
Repair wagons (voitures de secours), occupied by employees or by tourists, are strictly prohibited. The control keepers are instructed to notify the Sport Commission, which, if the case requires, will disqualify the firm for the vehicles of which the repairs were intended, as well as the persons aboard these repair wagons.
Every automobile driver who operates a machine on the route of the race, before the actual date, at a speed above that permitted by law, will be disqualified on this account from participating in the race, and will have no right to demand the return of his entry fee. The Sport Commission may extend this disqualification to all vehicles of the firm for whose account the driver made the trip. Correspondents will be appointed along the route of the race to atonce report all infractions of the rule.
All protests must be made in writing and be in the hands of one of the general commissioners of the race within four days from the, arrival of the first vehicle at Madrid, in order to be examined by the commission, from the decision of which there is no appeal. Every protest to receive consideration must be accompanied by a sum of 100 francs, which will be returned to the protestant if his protest is found justified.
Each of the two clubs will designate three general commissioners. It will be the duty of these commissioners to insure the regularity of the race, and it will be their special duty to supervise the start in each stage, the arrival in each stage, and the entry into and departure from the parks in each stage. They should meet before the race and be fully agreed on all matters of detail, in order that there may be a true unity of management during the contests. The general commissioners have full authority over all local commissioners, control keepers and special road police, wherever they may be. The general commissioners of the race are: For France, Prince P. d'Arenberg, H. Huet, Count de Vogue; for Spain, Duke d'Arion, L. de Errazu and Quinones de Leon.
Every vehicle arriving at Madrid will be required, under penalty of disqualification, to participate for two days in the exhibition organized under the auspices of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain. In the improbable case where, for any reason, the distance from Paris to the Spanish frontier cannot be traversed at racing speed, this contest will take place between the Spanish frontier and Madrid, and the entry fees will remain acquired by the racing fund.
Rules of the Game / La Règle du jeu, Part IV
NASCAR Speedway Division
Here are the rules for the Speedway Division established by NASCAR (National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing) for the 1952 season.6 As can be seen, what was released to the press is very bare bones and focused on the technical specifications.
Speedway Division
1. Block: American-made passenger-car or approved truck block.
2. Displacement: No limit.
3. Bore: Within limits of block used.
4. Camshaft: Any type allowed.
5. Crankshaft: Stock crank and stroke for series and model engine used.
6. Intake Manifold: Any type, limit of TWO carburetors.
7. Carburetors: Any type, air cleaners optional.
8. Cylinder Head: Must be stock, catalogued. Compression ration maybe altered.
9. Ignition: Must be battery-distributor type.
10. Pistons: Must be engine manufacturer’s stock.
11. Exhaust Manifold: Any type manifold header.
12. Water Pump: Impellers may be altered.
13. Valve Lifters: Any type.
14. Spark Plugs: Any type.
15. Alternators: Stock or none.
16. Starter: Any starting device, either integral or separate unit; no pushing or towing.
17. Radiator: Any size core of expansion tanks. Radiator must not alter the body shape of car.
1. Clutch: Optional as to type, but a declutching device must be used.
2. Transmission: Any type, minimum of TWO speeds forward and ONE reverse.
3. Drive Shaft: Open type not allowed.
4. Differential: Special types, as locked type and quick-change allowed.
1. Frame: Special type racing frame, no stock allowed.
2. Body: One- or two-man Indianapolis racing type only.
3. Wheels: Racing type only (Rudge, Wire or Magnesium, etc.).
4. Steering: Stock or special, but subject to approval.
5. Brakes: FOUR WHEEL ONLY, of any type, but must LOCK WHEELS.
1. Wheelbase: Minimum of 96 ½ inches.
2. Tread: Minimum of 53 inches.
3. Weight: IMPORTANT – Total dry weight of complete car MUST NOT BE LESS than 6 ½ lbs. (six and one-half pounds) per cubic inch of engine displacement.
1. Premium pump gasoline must be used.
From a Work Very Much In Progress...
Here is a sample of the work that has been “in progress” seemingly forever, my work on the 1964 NASCAR Grand National Season, which was the longest season in the series in both the number of events, sixty-two, and the length – beginning at Concord, North Carolina on 10 November 1963 and ending in Jacksonville, North Carolina on 8 November 1964. It was serendipitous that this was the season that became my focus as I cast around for a season to provide a record of what I had never seen – a Grand National season laid out in full.
I wanted to see if it were possible to record a Grand National season “in full,” that is to lay it out so that not only was the qualifying was not lost in the box score, but that the qualifying sessions and separate qualifying races were made part of the record. Thanks to the curator of the Stock Car Racing Special Collection at the Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Suzanne Wise, I was able to have access to copies of Southern Motorsports Journal, but also Southern MotoRacing when it appeared later in the season. These proved invaluable when it came to the points awarded for each race as well as providing information on the qualifying races and the many other aspects of the season that I would have not been aware of or otherwise able to find.
There is so much to do with what has already been produced. I was able to root out the information for each event in the very long season, to include the points allocated for each race, list the qualifying sessions and races, generally provide the car owners (Holman Moody being a challenge), as well – to the best of my abilities – to provide the specific model of the cars being used in the races, all of which allowed me to finally be able to “see” the season as I wanted to “see” it and consider it.
The major headache remaining is writing all the race reports. My already immense admiration for Greg Fielden skyrocketed as the result of this effort. Without his earlier efforts, there is simply no way I could have managed to do this. Indeed, it was his efforts that led me to consider taking his work to the next level. A source of both an unexpected abundance of invaluable information and utter frustration were the newspapers. To say that the newspaper coverage was uneven and usually cryptic would not even come close to the problems encountered in attempted to mine them for information. However, it was simply impossible to come close to completely the story of many of the events without the information that the newspapers provided.
At some point,alas, probably the distant future, I will sit down and write the stories that go with each event for that very long season. I am still a bit surprised that the story of this season has not been told, at least not told lately or told well. At any rate, it has been time well-spent and an effort well worth all the time and effort devoted to it.
1964 Grand National Race Number 2 / Augusta
Qualifying was spread over four days, three days – Wednesday through Friday – being devoted to time trials and then a qualifying race on Saturday.
Augusta 510 / 17 November 1963
Augusta International Raceway / Augusta, Georgia
139 laps of 3.0-mile road course for distance of 417.0 miles
Attendance: 14-15,000 Purse: $50,620
Wednesday Qualifying / 13 November 1963
Qualifying | Speed | Driver | Make | Notes & Information |
1st | 88.545 mph | Fred Lorenzen | 1963 Ford Galaxie | LaFayette Ford |
2nd | 87.84 mph | Fireball Roberts | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
3rd | 87.15 mph | Marvin Panch | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
4th | 86.17 mph | David Pearson | 1963 Dodge Polara | |
5th | 84.96 mph | Darel Dieringer | 1963 Mercury Marauder | |
6th | 83.74 mph | Ned Jarrett | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
7th | 83.44 mph | Billy Wade | 1963 Dodge Polara | |
8th | 67.33 mph | Joe Weatherly | 1963 Mercury Marauder | Qualified by Larry Frank |
Thursday Qualifying / 14 November 1963
Qualifying | Speed | Driver | Make | Notes & Information |
9th | 88.75 mph | Richard Petty | 1963 Plymouth Savoy | |
10th | 88.51 mph | Junior Johnson | 1963 Chevrolet Impala SS | |
11th | 86.73 mph | Dave MacDonald | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
12th | 86.71 mph | Jack Smith | 1963 Plymouth | |
13th | 85.00 mph | Rex White | 1963 Mercury Marauder | |
14th | 82.45 mph | Graham Shaw | 1961 Ford Galaxie | |
15th | 85.03 mph | Larry Thomas | 1962 Dodge Dart |
Friday Qualifying / 15 November 1963
Qualifying | Speed | Driver | Make | Notes & Information |
16th | 90.00 mph | Buck Baker | 1963 Plymouth Savoy | |
17th | 81.81 mph | Jack Anderson | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
18th | 83.07 mph | Frank Warren | 1961 Pontiac Catalina | |
19th | 81.21 mph | Curtis Crider | 1963 Mercury Marauder |
Qualifying Race / 16 November 1963
10 laps of 3.0-mile road course for distance of 30.0 miles
On Saturday, a ten-lap qualifying race was held for those not qualifying during the first three sessions.
Qualifying | Results | Driver | Make | Notes & Information |
20th | 1st | Bobby Johns | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | 10 laps |
21st | 2nd | Jim Pardue | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | |
22nd | 3rd | Cale Yarborough | 1963 Ford Galaxie | |
23rd | 4th | Larry Frank | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | |
24th | 5th | Buddy Baker | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | |
25th | 6th | G.C. Spencer | 1962 Pontiac Catalina | |
26th | 7th | Doug Cooper | 1962 Pontiac Catalina | |
27th | 8th | Roy Tyner | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | |
28th | 9th | Wendell Scott | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | |
29th | 10th | Neil ‘Soapy’ Castles | 1962 Chrysler 300H | |
30th | 11th | Jake Penland | 1961 Pontiac Catalina | |
31st | 12th | Jim Brey | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | |
32nd | 13th | Weldon Adams | 1962 Plymouth Savoy | |
33rd | 14th | Elmo Henderson | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air |
Qualifying | Driver | Make | Notes & Information |
34th | Tiny Lund | 1963 Ford Galaxie | Did not qualify |
35th | Ed Livingston | 1962 Ford Galaxie | Did not qualify |
36th | Johnny Allen | 1963 Ford Galaxie | Did not qualify |
Results | Driver | No. | Car Owner | Make | Laps | Purse | Points | Notes & Information 7 |
1st | Fireball Roberts | 22 | John Holman, Holman Moody | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 139 | $13,190 | 2,500 | 4 hr 49 min 51 sec, 86.32 mph |
2nd | Dave MacDonald | 29 | Banjo Matthews, Holman Moody | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 138 | $6,745 | 2,400 | |
3rd | Billy Wade | 5 | Cotton Owens, Cotton Owens Garage | 1963 Dodge Polara | 137 | $3,730 | 2,300 | |
4th | Joe Weatherly | 26 | Bill Stroppe, Bill Stroppe & Associates | 1963 Mercury Marauder | 137 | $2,650 | 2,200 | |
5th | Ned Jarrett | 11 | Charles Robinson, Burton-Robinson Racing Team | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 132 | $1,675 | 2,100 | |
6th | Jimmy Pardue | 2 | Cliff Stewart | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | 132 | $1,800 | 2,000 | |
7th | Larry Thomas | 36 | Wade Younts | 1962 Dodge Dart | 130 | $1,250 | 1,900 | |
8th | Curtis Crider | 62 | Curtis Crider | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 129 | $1,100 | 1,800 | |
9th | Marvin Panch | 21 | Ray Lee Wood, Wood Brothers | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 128 | $1,220 | 1,700 | Transmission |
10th | Buddy Baker | 87 | Buck Baker | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | 127 | $1,050 | 1,600 | |
11th | Graham Shaw | 12 | Graham Shaw | 1961 Ford Galaxie | 126 | $900 | 1,500 | |
12th | Tiny Lund | 32 | Dave Kent | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 125 | $800 | 1,400 | |
13th | Frank Warren | 80 | 1961 Pontiac Catalina | 125 | $625 | 1,300 | ||
14th | Jack Anderson | 20 | Jack Anderson | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 120 | $775 | 1,200 | |
15th | Cale Yarborough | 19 | Herman Beam | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 119 | $650 | 1,100 | |
16th | Doug Cooper | 02 | Bob Cooper | 1962 Pontiac Catalina | 117 | $575 | 1,000 | |
17th | David Pearson | 6 | Cotton Owens, Cotton Owens Garage | 1963 Dodge Polara | 115 | $670 | 900 | Engine |
18th | Wendell Scott | 34 | Wendell Scott | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | 115 | $525 | 800 | |
19th | Richard Petty | 43 | Lee Petty, Lee Petty Engineering Company | 1963 Plymouth Savoy | 94 | $820 | 700 | Transmission – pinion gear |
20th | Johnny Allen | 92 | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 66 | $700 | 600 | Engine | |
21st | Junior Johnson | 3 | Ray Fox, Ray Fox Engineering | 1963 Chevrolet Impala SS | 52 | $620 | 500 | Transmission |
22nd | Neil Castles | 86 | Buck Baker | 1962 Chrysler 300H | 47 | $525 | 400 | Clutch |
23rd | Larry Frank | 30 | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | 37 | $575 | 300 | Engine | |
24th | G.C. Spencer | 70 | Paul Clayton | 1962 Pontiac Catalina | 33 | $525 | 200 | Engine |
25th | Roy Tyner | 9 | Roy Tyner | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | 25 | $525 | 100 | Transmission – rear end gears |
26th | Rex White | 4 | Louis Clements | 1963 Mercury Marauder | 17 | $575 | 100 | Engine |
27th | Darel Dieringer | 16 | Bill Stroppe, Bill Stroppe & Associates | 1963 Mercury Marauder | 14 | $525 | 100 | Engine – valve lifter |
28th | Fred Lorenzen | 28 | Ralph Moody, Holman Moody | 1963 Ford Galaxie | 12 | $625 | 100 | Engine – piston |
29th | Buck Baker | 42 | Lee Petty, Lee Petty Engineering Company | 1963 Plymouth Savoy | 12 | $575 | 100 | Engine |
30th | Jim Bray | 156 | Nick Rampling | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | 7 | $525 | 100 | Transmission |
31st | Elmo Henderson | 03 | G.C. Spencer | 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air | 6 | $525 | 100 | Engine – oil pressure |
32nd | Jack Smith | 47 | Archie Smith | 1963 Plymouth Savoy | 4 | $525 | 100 | Engine |
33rd | Joe Penland | 05 | Possum Jones | 1961 Pontiac Catalina | 4 | $525 | 100 | Engine – oil pressure |
34th | Ed Livingston | 56 | Ed Livingston | 1962 Ford Galaxie | 3 | $575 | 100 | Engine |
35th | Bobby Johns | 7 | Shorty Johns | 1963 Pontiac Catalina | 2 | $900 | 100 | Crash |
36th | Weldon Adams | 23 | Leland Colvin | 1962 Plymouth Savoy | 2 | $525 | 100 | Distributor |
Lap Leaders | Driver | Laps Led | Lap Prizes |
Laps 1 thru 3 | Fireball Roberts | ||
Laps 4 thru 22 | David Pearson | 19 laps | $95 |
Laps 23 thru 27 | Junior Johnson | ||
Lap 28 | Richard Petty | ||
Laps 29 thru 35 | Junior Johnson | ||
Laps 36 thru 48 | Richard Petty | ||
Laps 49 thru 51 | Junior Johnson | 15 laps | $75 |
Laps 52 thru 93 | Richard Petty | 56 laps | $280 |
Laps 94 thru 128 | Marvin Panch | 35 laps | $175 |
Laps 129 thru 139 | Fireball Roberts | 14 laps | $470 |
- “Rules for the French Grand Prix,” The Automobile, 21 December 1911, pp. 1078-1079.
- Lord Northcliffe, Motors and Motor Driving, London: Longmans, Green, pp. 429-434.
- “On the Glidden Tour,” Motor Talk, (Volume II No. 8) August 1906, p. 9.
- “New Racing Rules of A.A.A.”, The Horseless Age, 20 May 1903 (Volume 11 No. 20), pp. 611-613. There is an additional reference to the rules as well: “A.A.A. Adopts New Racing Rules,” Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, June 1903 (Volume VII. No. 12), p. 26.
- “Rules of the Paris-Madrid Race,” The Horseless Age, 11 March 1903 (Volume 11 No. 10). Pp. 349-351.
- “NASCAR Sets Rules on Speedway Class,” Motor Sports World, 30 November 1951, pp. 9 and 11.
- Greg Fielden, The Superspeedway Boom, 1959-1964, pp. 241-241; Southern Motorsports Journal, 21 November 1963, p. 3; “Augusta Qualifying is Slated,” High Point Enterprise, 11 November 1963, p. 7B; “Johnson Enters 1963 Chevy For Sunday’s Augusta Race,” Burlington Daily Times-News, 12 November 1963, p. 3B; Bob Hoffman, “Exhaust Fumes: Fords Still Winning ‘Em,” The High Point Enterprise, 12 November 1963, p. 2B; “Lorenzen Poll Winner at Augusta,” Burlington Daily Times-News, 14 November 1963, p. 4B; “Lorenzen On Pole For 510-Mile Race,” The Anniston Star, 14 November 1963, p. 23; “Lorenzen Gets Pole Position,” Petersburg The Progress Index, 14 November 1963, p. 2B; “Petty Leads Qualifiers For August 510 Miler,” Burlington Daily Times-News, 15 November 1963, p. 2B; “Qualifying Continues For Georgia Race,” The Fresno Bee, 15 November 1963, p. 2-B; “Petty Sets New Record At Augusta,” The Florence Morning News, 15 November 1963, p. 2-B; “Eight Slots Remain For Augusta Race,” Kingsport Times, 15 November 1963, p. 8; “Fast Qualifying Pace Established For Augusta Race,” Petersburg The Progress-Index, 15 November 1963, p. 12; “Records Fall For Second Straight Day At Augusta,” Burlington Daily Times-News, 16 November 1963, p. 8A; “Augusta Trace Slated Sunday,” Kingsport News, 16 November 1963, p. 8; “37 Drivers Christen Augusta Track in 510-Mile Run Today,” The Florence Morning News, 17 November 1963, p. 12-A; “Fireball Guns Ford To Augusta Victory,” Burlington Daily Times-News, 18 November 1963, p. 3B; “Fireball Roberts Captures Augusta Race,” The Fresno Bee, 18 November 1963, p. 14-A; “Roberts Captures Augusta Race,” Kingsport Times, 18 November 1963, p. 6; Russ DeVault, “Fireball 1st In Augusta,” Kingsport News, 18 November 1963, p. 8; “Fireball Wins in Road Race,” The Gastonia Gazette, 18 November 1963, p. 10; “Fireball Adds A New Race To List,” High Point Enterprise, 18 November 1963, p. 3-B; “Roberts Wins Rugged Race At Twisting Augusta Track,” The Robesonian, 18 November 1963, p. 7; “Roberts Wins First Augusta Stock Race,” Aiken Standard and Review, 18 November 1963, p. 8.